I thought it would be cool to tell my readers some of Rich Uncle El random facts. Some facts might be a case of TMI, but that is the fun part. I have no basis behind these facts except for the mere fact that you will get to know me a little bit better. I enjoy sharing because it helps me connect with all of you in a way the best bloggers do from time to time. I hope you can appreciate these random facts, some may be about money and others are not. Tell me at the end of the post which ones surprised you the most? I am interested in knowing what did and what did not shock you.
Rich Uncle EL Random Facts:
1. I check my 401K investment account every day
2. I eat a bagel only 1 a month (Free Work Perk and my stomach thanks me)
3. I dislike most Apple products ( Besides I-pod everything else is just too pricey)
4. I want to learn how to make Furniture (Woodworking projects look cool when complete)
5. I am not a morning person (This might change once I retire, Ha Ha)
6. My favorite sport hobbies are: Basketball, Running, and Football – Favorite Shirt –New Balance Men’s Short Sleeve Tech Tee
7. One day I want to own a Weimaraner Dog and a Beagle (Not at the same Time)
8. I have a spam email account with over a 1000 messages
9. I have 4 investment accounts in different financial institutions
10. I have two siblings
11. My favorite gaming system was the Sega Genesis
12. I like to read mystery books – Inferno: A Novel (Robert Langdon)
13. I hate lucky Charms Cereal
14. I know how to drive a Manual Car
15. I am obsessed with working out
Now that I have done this post, I feel better that I can share with you openly and not feel weird about it. If I get positive feedback from this type of post, I will continue to provide you with crazy and random facts about me at least once a month. The only way I can truly know if this type of post is a hit is for you guys to leave some comments. Keep reading and improving every day is my only tip for the day. I wanted to switch it up and give a fun and light post.
Comment to let all of us know a random fact you would like to share with the moneywatch101 readers?
Talk to you soon my friends.
*Nobody was hurt in the making of this crazy post.
Rich Uncle EL
Damn, Langdon is getting another novel??? I have to catch up smh…pretty interesting facts.
1) I don't know how to drive a manual car (I know…such a shame).
2) I'm taller than "average" (supposedly) yet I'm not a fan of basketball.
Who'd thought, right? Lol
I have to agree on the Apple products and Sega Genesis. I too know how to drive a manual car, but haven't in some time, even though I prefer it. TBH, once we moved to Thailand it was enough for me to learn how to drive on the left rather than the right. I just didn't feel comfortable having to shift with my left hand LOL (though the clutch is still on the left which would have helped I suppose).
I cant imagine driving on the wrong side of the road, Thanks for the comment.
Interesting facts! I found your blog via Budgets are Sexy.
Hey ElleX welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, thanks for the comment.
I enjoyed reading about the things that you like and dislike. I’m proud of the man that you have become, i remember all the hard work and dedication that you put yourself thru to be who you are today.
Keep up the great work.
I'm glad you like the site and the crazy random facts I share. I hope you are benefitting from the money management posts as well. Proud of you too!