Running Helps me Maintain my Health
Running Helps me Keep my Energy Up
Running Helps me Eat Better
Running Helps me Save $$ on Utilities
Running Helps me Avoid Shopping Malls
Hello guys this is a fun light hearted post today. Questions are in your head right now about how in the heck can I say that I save money by running? The 5 reasons above clearly make complete sense in my mind and is the definitive answer to the previous question. Now all I have to do is convince all of you that you can do the same as well. I will attempt to do so during the 600 words contained within this post, but ultimately it is on you to get out and run while you still can. Do you ever think about how much time you will have before you start to hear the bone cracking and popping in your knees and hips?
I do not want this to happen to me so I stay active. If you do not have that much time or you have a million excuses then that’s your choice. My advice will always be to make time in you’re schedule. Because we as humans were made to be active. Please read that again as it sums up the whole underlying meaning. The cave men could never take a day off from hunting because they would starve. Nothing gets you moving more than an empty stomach. Now we have the convenience of supermarkets so it makes even more sense to work out or run more often. Why do I say that because the food is nicely prepared for the picking no real effort is placed on us to get food like in the past.
What can you to be more active? Take ten minutes while at work and go up and down a few stairs. After sitting 8 hours at a desk will you do your body justice and take at least 45 minutes to run. During lunch take a good long stroll around a local park. I think if you do, your body and your wallet will thank you. See below for my personal reasons why I save $$ by running and being active at least 3 times a week.
How I Save Money By Running:
- If you run then you will maintain a good and healthy body. This will help you avoid the doctor which is eagerly waiting to prescribe you some medication due to lack of exercise. Dollars Saved by avoiding pills. $$
- If you run then your energy level increases, thus allowing you to do other things that you might pay others to do: Walking the dog, The Laundry, Cleaning the House, Cooking instead of Eating Out. $$
- If you run you will hopefully make more of a conscience effort to eat better. It’s not about eating the biggest meal. Practice Portion Control. Why because your stomach expands. Be aware of food limits. $$
- If you run you will save on Utilities because you will be out of the house: Lights off, TV off, Computer off, Heating or Cooling Appliances off = $$$ saved.
- If you run then you will avoid the shopping malls- 1. Because you will be too tired after a good jog. 2. People who are bored go shopping, running eradicates the boredom.
These are all the reasons why I save money by being a runner. If you do not enjoy running then you can just fill in the running part with the many other forms of fun activities you can do in this life. Get a move on as soon as possible. The only real cost to you is, a good pair of sneakers-New Balance, a cold or warm running outfit-Champion Women’s Woven Sport Short,Black/White,Small, and a hydration bottle.
I want to be selfish with my body because one day I will not be able to run so why not do it now. Time is ticking my friends and the flexible bones and joints will not stay loose forever.
I am a runner because I want to be active, all the money I am saving is a bonus – Rich Uncle EL
Comment if you save money by running or if you do something else to stay active.
Rich Uncle EL