The Purposeful Quotes

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The purposeful quotes


I see the opportunity that quotes can give all of us because they can mean a lot more than you actually meant to say. I know I have been motivated by some quotes because I now write three quotes every other week for this site. If just one person gets inspired then I have done my job right by serving all of you with free content.

The theme this week is finding the purpose for life. I will not hesitate to tell someone to find their purpose sooner than later because after that point life makes extreme sense.

The Purposeful Quotes:

– Life can be a blessing, when the direction is planned and a purpose is stated – Rich Uncle EL

– I appreciate my life along the way and I still continue to strive for more – Rich Uncle EL

– When you can see the big picture of your life, everything just falls into place – Rich Uncle EL

If some of you find my talk about finding the purpose of life as over kill because I have written about this a few times before. I feel a sense of urgency, as it an important subject matter in this time for the mere fact that so many people are lost and do not have a simple clue what to do with their lives. If you can sit down and think for a half hour per day and about what makes you happy the answer will soon follow. The hardest part is applying what you love with making an income off it. I love basketball, but playing is a free hobby and coaching it will not pay the bills, unless you reach NBA status. It will take some time and dedication to finally implement the work you love into a steady stream of income. Anything is possible with enough strive, dedication and support from others so do not give up.

Maybe the purpose for your life might not find you until you are 40+ years old, but thinking about it now in your 20s and 30s does not hurt you at all. In contrast it will make you more aware of what your inner self wants.

Comment if you find value in the purposeful quotes?

Rich Uncle EL

6 thoughts on “The Purposeful Quotes”

  1. Seeing the big picture of life can be a difficult task at times. We have so much that consumes us in our daily lives that we forget what we are really after in life. Some good quotes can make us pause and ponder about what is really important and if we are on the path to getting it.

  2. Quotes are there to make us think. They give us a message. There are quotes that can change your life in an instant if oyu just take time to listen. They help us walk the right path, free us, or motivate us. Quotes serve a lot of purpose.

  3. I especially like the one about appreciating life while striving for more. I think a lot times peple are always focusing on the future and they forget to live in the Now.

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