I appreciate being here in this blog space talking about how everyone can improve on the complicated issues regarding personal finance. I hope to enlighten you today / this weekend with some fun quotes and posts about life plus money. If you keep motivation and positivity at a high level you will achieve goals and succeed. It’s safe to say that you may possibly become a money maven. I come up with these quotes for myself, but they turn out so good that I have to share with all of my readers. If after reading them you do not understand them, leave me a comment and I will elaborate further.
Anyway back to the topic at hand, life and money will always be intertwined as long as we have a capitalist economic system. When you fully understand both of these topics, and the importance of managing money to make life more peaceful you will see the point for all of this talk about becoming an expert with money management aka Money Maven. If you do not take this advice and embrace it, then you will stay a novice for a long time. If you want to be better than the average person, then it is best to listen while absorbing any information that will help you. See below for the best quotes and posts on how to become a money maven:
How to Become a Money Maven (Quotes):
- Get emotions in check before thinking on improving money issues – Rich Uncle EL
- Stand on firm ground thinking to avoid quick sand mentality – Rich Uncle EL
- When given advice, do not assume it is given with negativity, by expressing anger you admit to the faults you have – Rich Uncle EL
- Visualize where you will be money wise and you will get there in due time – Rich Uncle EL
Discussing the quotes in greater detail, as they might come across in a different light than how they are written.
- Emotions drive your money issues, so without controlling them, you will never have extra money left over to do all the goals you want accomplish.
- If you stay strong mentally then money will never escape you and you than can control where it is going.
- I give advice all the time, sometimes it is ask of me, sometimes it is not ask, but never assume it is negative. It could be the right time to listen and heed the call to action.
- This one is basically telling you to see where you want to be and with hard work you will be triumphant.
How to Become a Money Maven Blog Posts, Must read:
-Mr. Money Mustache – Brief History
-Budgets are Sexy – The Best Financial Advice
-Financial Samurai – Achieving Financial Freedom
-Consumerism Commentary – Improve Finances by Modifying Behaviors
-MoneyWatch101 – The Best Personal Finance Tips
These are all great well written blog posts that will take you from beginner aka rookie with money to expert aka Maven. I want you all to get a sense of what they are saying in these posts, and please try to learn as much as you can, to improve on your personal finance situation. It might be a ton of hard work to change how you do things, but it will be worth it because you will gain so much more in the end.
If I can be of any assistance I am easily reached by Twitter, or face book. If you desire to receive posts by email sign up at the bottom of this post.
Comment on these post and quotes about how you can become a money maven.
Rich Uncle EL