What do you think of this mantra, Life is a beach. I grew up seeing this phrase on hundreds of T-shirts as a kid. I sort of got the message, but now that I am an adult I get it with complete conviction. It is a modern version of the phrase that goes like this, Life is what you make it.
But what some people cannot see is that we control, if our life becomes a beach or if life becomes a desert. Imagine trucking along life in the Sahara desert trying to reach the imaginary pool of drinkable water? Well that is what happens when you do not take money management coupled with a dedication towards investments seriously. The destined plan for you will be a life of always playing catch up while working for the benefit of others. Who are the mysterious others you are giving your paycheck too? Well it’s really simple to answer, just open up the random bills sitting on your desk. The companies who hold all of your debt are your new bosses, on top of bosses you already have at your day job. I personally do not want to be told what to do by anybody, and that message goes directly to Chase and MasterCard. Every time you consume junk on debt, you are adding new bosses that then get to take your extra dollars every month.
When you think of things in this new light then you will realize that it is just not worth it. Buying a product on credit card debt that you could not afford is the end of freedom. Hey buddy do you know you just signed up for a new boss to tell you where to send you’re hard earned cash. This is the sad reality that we are facing in this society. I will do anything in my power to cut ties with all these fake bosses who control my wallet. Now the million dollar question is will you do the same given the opportunity. Can you really say good-bye forever to American Express and Capital One. This year alone I cut up two credit cards I have not used in over a year. Why did you do that you think to yourself, because maybe you can use the credit card for a rainy day emergency? The final answer to the question is because having it is an added level of temptation I do not want or need in my life. I live on cash baby and so should you.
I think when you reach a certain point in life, that all those added risky money moves should be abolished forever. The habits you choose here and now will make or break you. By having an emergency fund in place and 2 debit cards to cover you in case you ever need emergency money, these are the proper steps needed to live life stress free. No debt is the equivalent of life is a beach instead of life is a bitch. Get it good; now get things in check my friends.
To put it in prospective see below for an example:
Weekly Restaurant Bill of $50 dollars X 52= $2600 X 10 years = 26,000.
Plus costs of putting it on a Credit Card with interest
Plus costs of losing out $$ in opportunity cost with investable gains on money
Comment if you believe that your life is a beach or if life is a bitch?
Rich Uncle EL
I agree with you, life is what you make it. It really comes down to choices and self control. If you choose to spend your money on the pleasures of life for today every day, you will not take advantage of your money working for you so you can have something of more value tomorrow.
I am hoping people can read PF blogs and take it seriously because the advice will benefit them tremendously. Many are just lost hoping the money will be their when they need it. No Plan and no purpose.