Do you know that you have a financial responsibility towards the future? In the present you might want to spend every last penny from each pay check, but this is not good for several reasons. See Below:
- This trend will lead you to never improve financially. (Bad Habits take time to break)
- If you do not have readily available money, no opportunities. (Businesses need startup funds)
- The future will look bleak. (Retirement will be below average)
- If you have kids you will pass on those horrible habits on to them. (Johnny will not learn the right way to manage money)
- Giving back or leaving a windfall for loved ones will be a joke if you do not take things seriously. (What did Dad or Mom leave me? – Headaches with no money)
Financial Responsibility toward the Future
Now that you have read these awesome reasons why you have a financial responsibility towards your future finances, will you consider changing a bit? If no then close this site right now, because the subject of this post is to face the responsibilities of the future. All those of you who want to improve and realize the value you will create by changing negative habits into excellent money habits, the future is looking bright. If you concentrate on what is important now you will benefit later with greater leisure and freedom to do the things you want.
How can you concentrate and focus on what is important? Well it’s simple, 1.set up a plan to be debt free while, then invest like crazy and live life only with cash. 2. Married couples need to work together to really get things in order and combine all effort towards joint money goals. 3. Recognize that the future is closer than you think, and bad habits need to be left in the past. Doing these things whether you are single, married, broke, or poor will guarantee that you will be successful with money strategies.
Big changes might not be feasible, but little ones everyday turn enormous with time –Rich Uncle EL
I wanted to give a quote that is very apparent to anybody who appreciates the little wins in life. Try to make small strategic money changes to improve and you will win in the end. I always try to establish goals at the beginning of each year, and I revisit them in 6 months to see what I have accomplished or what can be worked on with greater effort. This is what I am currently doing to improve upon my financial responsibility. But the secret is to never stay stagnant, and keep pushing for greater responsibility which includes adding new goals.
Mini-Goals seem useless but I enjoy them for the mere fact that you can feel some sense of accomplishment while working on the big goals. People do not graduate from college every day, but they do write papers, read chapters, and study every day. This is the equivalent of having mini-goals to achieve that awesome diploma and it can be easily associated to money goals as well. Saving up to buy a car, working hard to be debt free, cutting back to afford a down payment for a home, all of these major goals can be broken down to mini goals. The trick is to have a plan that will get you one step closer to reaching financial responsibility.
Examples of Mini Goals to help you reach Big Money Goals:
–Save $5 dollars every day
-Turn in all piggy bank coins once a year for down payment money
-Get a Part time Job to save up for a used car
-Every time you buy something new (Not Including Food), send the same amount towards debt
-Place Goals in a monthly calendar cell phone reminder
-Read free financially related books from library
-All monthly surplus $$ goes towards current tuition bills
-Save 30% of all income
-Give dollars to favorite Charity
Comment on how you face financial responsibility toward the future every day?
Rich Uncle EL
I put every spare penny I have towards paying down my debt. It is how I stay responsible for the future.