Is this mantra really that hard to grasp? Why do I see examples of individuals living frivolously with their spending? Let me tell you a secret, if you do not follow the spend less than you earn lifestyle you will not succeed with money. I see people spending and they are smiling when they spend half of their paychecks on a thing aka product. How can anybody be happy spending that much money, when I spend that much it is with saved up money and I am still not smiling. Why don’t I smile when I spend, because I know the true value of my dollars, and I know the possibilities of what it can do? The only time I smile when I spend upwards of $500 bucks is when I am booking a vacation, because I can visualize the joy the trip will bring to my family. Today I want to share with you a few quotes and posts on the, spend less than your earn topic. (Hopefully you can see the value of it)
Spend Less than you Earn (Quotes):
You can’t buy authenticity; it is earned by living within your means. Rich Uncle EL
Spending less than you earn shows the world that you are content with life – Rich Uncle EL
The future is uncertain, so why take risks with it by splurging every cent – Rich Uncle EL
Living paycheck to paycheck is a disease, will you look in the mirror for the cure – Rich Uncle EL
These are the top four quotes that I came up with to help me to serve you well with personal finance motivational advice. I think we all can improve if we just set things in perspective and decide that all that accumulated stuff is not necessary to live life happy. IT just adds up and becomes junk with dust on top of it. In the year 1850 do you think the people were happy without all the useless products we have today, I truly believe so. They did not have cell phones or video games or IPADS or DVDs or sneakers or watches or hats. Do not let things or products or stuff ruin your future peace of mind.
Top Posts for Spending less than you Earn:
Enemy of Debt
Comment if you spend less than you earn? IF you are brave you can say by how much % wise you spend less.
Rich Uncle EL
I spend less than I earn on a regular basis. Actually for as long as I can remember I have spent less than I made. It has translated into financial freedom….no debt….retirement savings, paid for house, etc.
If people could see the purpose behind it, their lives will be transformed just like yours. Thank for the comment.
We live 20% below our income. We could easily increase that percentage by getting rid of cell phones and satellite dish tv. We’re not planning on getting rid of those. We also have 10% of hubby’s income going toward 401k.
Missy Homemaker recently posted..What’s a SAHM’s Salary Value?
That's awesome thanks for sharing and commenting. I predict extreme competition with cell phone companies in the next year, thus driving down the prices of the services, might help you reach 25% sooner than later.
I am the same way! We just used our tax refund to build a deck which was way over $500 but being able to enjoy the deck definitely makes me smile. Other than that though, traveling is definitely our splurge. My husband and I have lived off his salary for the past seven years. My youngest son will be starting kindergarten next year and I hope to go back to work full time. Since we are already budgeted for just hubby's salary, my entire salary will go towards paying down our mortgage….I can't wait to start knocking down that debt! 🙂
Yeah when you start working you guys are going to kill all that debt, good job. Thanks for the comment.