I work in an office building that has a medical office by the front entrance. I have noticed on many occasions that the first time customers of this medical office for some reason walk right by the nice light wood colored door with a stand right in front of it stating MRI lab. Why do these people miss the door completely and continue towards the back of the building, as if they are expecting another entrance. Do the doctors have to place neon lights for these folks so that they can recognize the door? I don’t know, but I will say this, many people miss opportunities every day because they fail to see the door.
The Door to Opportunities: Explained
When I mention opportunity what I mean to convey is anything that adds value to one’s life. I think there is too much side tracked mentality going around and they are not fully aware of their surroundings let alone their own lives. I will give you an example; some people get hit with over draft fees constantly because they could not care to budget better. Another example would be that they missed a great buying opportunity when stocks are priced low because they are too occupied. Why they fail to make the ability to notice opportunities a priority? Is this a common trend in our lives nowadays missing out on fabulous opportunities that can possibly change their lives for the better? I obviously do not have the answers to these questions, but maybe I can help some of you change your thinking behind seeing opportunities.
By thinking a bit differently you can find that passion for work you will appreciate every day and not dread waking up in the morning. I myself am only half way satisfied with passionate work, as my day job is not what I love to do or see myself doing forever. This website is fulfilling the other half as this is part of my passionate work plan. I have to find a road map or opportunity to make it full time and to bring in at least 5K a month in income for me to be ready to leave my day time job. (5K income is enough to pay a mortgage in my area and not feel strapped) Did you ever miss an opportunity to do something that you now regret? I know it can be hard to overcome what is now long gone, but if you set up reminders then this will likely not happen again. It just takes a mental shift in thinking to get you to face how thinking haphazardly can affect the outcome of things.
I can only imagine what bright future many people would have had if they bought a ton of shares in IBM back in 2000. The technology sector was at an all-time low back then, but people didn’t see it as a buying opportunity and many instead got scared and sold positions. Back in 2009 Ford was at $2 dollars, if people bought them at that price by now they would have realized a great profit as the stock is at $17 bucks. Granted I myself missed the boat on that one, but I did catch a few other stock buying opportunities and made a decent profit. Just try to adjust the binoculars to see the future a little brighter and recognize the opportunities life has for you.
Comment if you have any input as to why people fail to see the door to opportunities?
Rich Uncle EL
Pic provided by Freedigitalphotos – by Aopsan