If you could trade something, anything for Freedom what would it be? Maybe the desire to not have to work for someone else forever would change something to attain that freedom? This idea might seem far-fetched for many of you today, and that is the exact message I want to instill in how you think for a moment. Every day deals are exchanging hands in the form of currencies, barters, favors, and political power exchanges. Did you know that with every unfavorable exchange you make, you are giving up the chance to possibly have freedom sooner? What can you trade for freedom? The answer should be that you will do anything legally possible to get it.
A simple choice that you must decide can give you a few months of freedom later from having to punch that dreaded time card. Whomever told you that they enjoy working for others is either unaware or in denial, because when working for others is counter productive to allow you much opportunities to work for you. It’s a complete catch 22, because security can be developed greater when working for yourself, but many people do not have the vision to pull it off so they make due and try to find security with working for corporate America. Does corporate America really have your best interest at heart or are we just another source of revenue for the corporations. Did you know that on average employees make the companies they work for about 2-3X the amount they are getting paid as a salary. It’s time to realize that nobody has your best interest at heart except for you.
What can you can trade for Freedom:
The choice to put your Freedom above materialism
The choice to put your money first to attain that Freedom
The choice to live within your means for Freedom
The choice to Negotiate up or down for your Beneficial Freedom
The choice to kick habits and behaviors that rob you of Freedom
The choice to work for yourself in some capacity for Freedom
The choice to develop skills to do in spare time for Freedom
All of these choices will ultimately buy you what we all want, freedom. But many do not see the possibility of it because they are so trapped with bills. If you have the vision to see how your choices can offer you an outlet towards doing what you enjoy with your time, instead of slaving away to benefit others. The first thing you must do is to forget about the past and begin to implement all the choices mentioned above. I hope you can realize the freedom we all desire is closer than you might think. Resist the temptations that people place above freedom. The journey and the experience will be worth it.
Comment if you have any other ideas behind what you can trade for your freedom?
Rich Uncle EL