What’s up! I think it’s time to give you a refresher on my random facts. I did a previous post way back in February and I want to do this at least 2 – 3 times a year. I want to break up the seriousness of money management with all the trials and tribulations about that topic. What better way to switch it up than to get a little personal with you guys, sort of like an online journal I am keeping for myself. One day I can go back and read how awesome I was to make a record of all the random facts I am sharing. We as humans tend to forget almost everything, so why not reminisce a little from time to time. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
I think this will be a good post because anything with the number 3 must be good luck. Hey readers and bloggers have you shared a recent random fact with anybody today? If you do you might get a new friend.
Rich Uncle EL Random Facts 3:
I wear glasses to drive and watch TV
I recently started watching Sons of Anarchy
I could eat chicken with every meal, especially Fried
The most miles I ever completed on a bike is 25
I have not consumed any soda in 2.5 years
Dark Chocolate is a sweet indulgence in my book
I think protecting the trees and water resources of the earth should be given greater efforts.
Running is something I have always enjoyed. It is freeing in some weird way.
I dislike it when people do not listen well enough to maintain a conversation.
I own two binders of Marvel Comic cards since I was in the 8th grade.
Hey what do you think of these awesome random facts about yours truly? I feel that you now know of me a bit more, we can almost bond now. HA HA. Some of these I had to think hard for a few seconds before I came up with them, the first list was definitely easy to write up. I can’t believe 40 of my crazy random facts are out there in cyberspace for all to read. I still struggle with how much information is appropriate to release about my life. I will admit it is getting a bit easier as time elapses, but I still struggle with the real benefit behind it. I really do not know how famous people live life every day with their business in the public eye.
I absolutely LOVE Sons of Anarchy. And I absolutely HATE running. 🙂 Not sure what it is, but I've never been able to enjoy it; however, I can ride a bike for hours without becoming bored.
This was a great post – and one I might do on our blog, once we start posting again. Great idea, Rich Uncle El!
Yeah I am up to season 5 on Sons, playing catch up with the old episodes. I think we are all born with certain genes that make us comfortable with certain activities. Like running and basketball for me, it is just something thats an extension of my life.
Like you, I haven't had a soda in years. Unlike you, I haven't eaten meat in a year and a half. I think I'm going to keep going, I'm not particularly fond of the taste.
Well I commend you for going so long without eating meat. I hear Tofu is a good substitute for meat. Well thanks for the comment broke and beautiful.