One of the basic foundations behind getting your personal finances in order, which many people need to look at a bit differently, is behaviors. The basic misunderstanding that many who are struggling with money issues, is that they focus on the money as the problem, but in reality it is the behaviors. When we have routines that complement positive actions around how we handle money it sparks a change within us that correlates back towards money. Whether you struggle with keeping expenses down or a habit of saving a specific amount every month, it all boils down to what you do every day.
By realizing your actions and faults you have taken the first step towards accepting the bad behaviors ruining your life. The next step in this process is to begin with 1 positive money behavior and consistently perform it for at least 45 days. It could take a lot of effort, but without effort you will never see gains with personal finance. Money management is only tricky when you are in denial of your abilities behind controlling the old mighty reflection in the mirror. Granted it might not seem all that difficult to say no to yourself, but after 5 days attempting to change a bad behavior people tend to break down and revert back to bad habits. Money101 is based on a class that teaches you that choices in the right direction will always be the beneficial way to live a stress free money life.
The Behaviors of Finance:
Realize what behaviors need eliminating
Write down three goals (In cell phone and on paper)
Implement a positive behavior towards completing 1 of the 3 goals
Do that behavior for 45 days
After the 45 days begin with the 2nd positive behavior
Do that behavior for 45 days
Repeat process for all the additional behaviors
Complete all 3 goals using positive behavior exercises
If you adhere to these positive reinforcements then you will win with financial management. Once the process becomes second nature you will see how effective positive behaviors can transform your life. After this then productivity will elevate to help you achieve things you once thought were too far from reach. I hope you can see how much you can benefit from optimistic behaviors. I will provide you with a few resources below to help you along the way if you need additional behavior financial support.
Resources to help you along the way:
This is one of the reasons so many people make the analogy between weight loss and finances. It really comes down to establishing healthy or responsible patterns of behavior and sticking to them.
I agree with you and it all comes down to will power. Will you have the mental fortitude to say no to yourself. Its very easy to go over budget or over on calories if you struggle to find the right balance for your dollars and diet.