Did you know that making side money can help you achieve money goals faster? I believe anybody can do it on a part time basis. Do you have some debt that you detest? Do you want to save up for a home down payment? Do you want to finally establish a business? The side money you can possibly make will help you attain the things you want if your cash flow is not sufficient enough. What are some of the things you can do to build up the savings? Well jobs are available if you are willing to serve others.
I know some of you are already fed up with working 40 hours a week and cannot even think it will be possible to fit in another 15-20 hours for a side money work. But I have done it in the past and I do not mind doing it again in the future. I try to find jobs that fit in with my personality and schedule. The pay does not have to be substantial, but it definitely is a factor that you must predetermine before you begin applying and accepting offers. I will offer you a few examples further in the post as to give you some ideas how to make side money. These side jobs should only be considered if you do not have over time opportunities in your day job or if you desire to do something different.
Making Side Money doing these Jobs:
Bus Driver
Dog Walker
Newspaper Delivery
Restaurant Servers
Food Delivery Drivers
Valet Parking
Retail Employee
Buying and Selling Items
Concierge / Hotel Clerk
These are just the tip of the iceberg as there are hundreds more similar jobs you can do on the side.
Now that you see that working these jobs on the side is a possibility will you sacrifice now for your future? Do not just go along, but make changes to speed up certain life goals you want to accomplish. I believe we all can put our pride to the side to make some extra dollars to do these jobs. The final point in the post is for anybody who desires to work these jobs to attempt to make at least $300 dollars extra a month to throw at debt or savings goals.
Resources for additional info on making side money:
Have to say, sounds like a great idea to help pay down some excess debt (I work with dogs, so dog walker is right up my alley), but it also seems like this could tip the work-life balance scale. I mean, you mention that a lot of us already work 40 hours a week, but in reality, the 40-hour work week is a myth; most of us, especially salaried employees, work well over 40 hours. Plus, I wonder how many of these jobs would honestly pay $300 a week for 15-20 hours' worth of work. If they're hourly jobs, that means that you anticipate they'd pay $15-20 an hour. Now, I've worked a lot of retail jobs here in Chicago through the course of my life, and I can assure you that very few of them pay even $15 an hour. At the absolute highest, the net take-home pay would be just over $300 a week, assume 20 hours per week at $20 an hour — and the low-end net ($15/hr., 15 hours per week) would be about $180 per week. It definitely would be more money in your pocket, but if you work 40-50 hours every week, plus an additional 15 hours on the weekend, when do you have time to enjoy the fruits of your labor? I'm curious what your thoughts are on adding income versus maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Hey fit, I guess it depends how serious one is to complete life’s goals. I get it as some jobs are more demanding than others, but if your desire to get out of debt is greater than a life balance, you will find the time and sacrifice for that goal. Hope that answered your question.
Hey Fit, my example for part time work I mentioned 300 in monthly not weekly income.
Awesome point EL. I have no debt outside of a small mortgage, I work full time and go to school part time, but I still find time to hustle on the side. I started by selling some things on eBay, and actually now buy nice, gently used clothes cheaply and Goodwill and resell them with a typical markup of around 600%. Even if I only sell a couple items a month, an extra $100 ain’t nothing to complain about. I definitely recommend it for anyone.
Great Strategy to make side money. I think this type of online transactions will grow every year as the internet expands. I see it being a full time job one day for many people.
Taking on another job to eliminate debt like a credit card is a great idea! I think one of the items on your list "Buying and Selling Items" has become really popular with many of the Facebook groups that have popped up. You can list the items for free and you don't get charged a fee for selling. Plus, it gives you a little better feeling than meeting someone from Craigslist. Great post by the way.
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