Hey guys it’s me again giving you a few tips to help you stretch your dollar a bit further. I want your cash flow to go a long way and possibly reach the next month so that you can invest it or pay extra on debt. So if you like saving $$ on groceries and you have a Costco membership well you must pay attention to this post as you will most likely save with smart purchases. One thing I am good at is when I have to go to Costco, I tell myself to not deviate from the list of things I need to buy. If my list is small I remember them mentally, but if it is more than 10 items then I write them down and stick to them with conviction.
The number reason these warehouse clubs make money is from people making spontaneous purchases on high margin items that are not in the food category. So try to be the same way when you are trying to reach a new level of efficiency with your cash flow.
The products that you will save money by buying at Costco are normal food/ drink items for the house hold. Just pick and choose the things that pertain to your life. Obviously Costco has thousands of other products that can possibly save you money like LCD TV’s and computers, but for this post we will concentrate on grocery items only.
What should you buy at Costco:
Almonds (Plus Other Nuts)
Bananas and Blueberries (Includes other Fruit)
Beer / Liquor / Wine
Cakes (Includes Muffins and Pies)
Extra Virgin Oil or Canola Oil
Frozen Chicken or Frozen Meat (Burgers)
Pet Food
Raisins / Craisins
Salsa (For chips and for Pasta)
Veggies (that you use daily)
I hope you can realize that buying these products in bulk will be less with regards to the cost per pound or ounce when compared to the regular supermarket prices. Before anything always compare the cost per unit prices, to verify if you are really saving money. The regular supermarkets on occasion have sales that can possibly beat the wholesale club prices, so be mindful of the awesome weekly supermarket sales.
I know that paying $50 dollars annually might seem like a bad deal, but if you use these foods constantly then the savings from buying these at Costco might outweigh the cost of the membership. Another tactic you can use is to find somebody who will split the cost of the membership with you. Ask a next door neighbor or a family member if they do not mind going half and half.
Comment if you know what should you buy at Costco?
Rich Uncle EL