Recently my daughter Lily was struttin her stuff around the house in her Twin sister’s boots. I asked her why do you have your sister’s boots on, and she replied because I like them. I smiled and said, ok baby that’s fine. But I had a an experiment that was formulating in my mind at that very moment. After 5 minutes I found her actual boots and offered it to her sister, stating out loud to Sophia that she needs to wear Lily’s boots because she was wearing Sophia’s boots. Across the room Lily seemed ok with the idea for a brief moment. Then as I go to place the boots on Sophia’s feet, Lily sits down and begins to remove the borrowed boots yelling no no no. She wanted her own boots. What just happened within her that made her change how she felt about lending her boots?
This is how consumerism can take a hold of you. Lily was prancing around happy with her sisters boots, because her boots were not being used and she had them as a back up. She felt for a brief moment the feeling to have two boots instead of one. But in reality she was already content with just 1 pair of boots not 2 pairs. In this fine example people even little people can show society that you do not need too much stuff to be happy. For the next two hours she walked around even happier with her own pair of boots on her feet. She did not even glance at her sister’s pink colored boots. How can you establish a similar contentment with your stuff and avoid adding 5 or 6 substitute things when 1,2, or 3 of that product can already work for you?
It’s pretty simple be content with what you have and really question when you are looking to buy something new if you really can do without. If you can get 4 pairs of jeans in different dye colors to match all your outfit needs, then do not look to add a new pair for no particular reason. If you have a pair of running shoes, wait for that pair to be close to its end lifecycle before beginning the shopping process.
This practical thought process around being happy and saying no to the inner average consumer will help you stay in line when it comes to finances. I hope you can enjoy the story behind this we are already happy thought I had recently, and learn to think twice before going shopping with no real purpose.
Comment below if you have something to add to the topic behind we are already happy?
PS: Please see the Happy video as its awesome.
Rich Uncle EL
We are certainly happy with what we have. I think another way consumerism takes hold is simply by exposing yourself to situations that make it easy to spend. Going to the mall and just walking around will generally result in spending. Staying away from the stores makes it easy to avoid spending!
I agree Green, do not go out without a list and a purpose. Thanks for the comment, good luck.
I play this song no kidding EVERY SINGLE MORNING on the way to work. I need the reminder to make sure I start the day as positive as possible.
That's great you are starting your day happy. Thanks for stopping by my happy friend.
That's so true! It's so easy to get wrapped up in wanting something just because another person has it – even if we don't need it or even really want it ourselves.