In society I have witnessed many examples to question the satiation of people. When is enough really enough? I ask this every time I come across a perfect example of people wanting more. Why the thirst is never really quenched, I often ponder. Is it an environmental issue or an individual issue based on upbringing? I am ready to give you a few examples of people who do not know the word enough or the feeling of being satisfied with what they already have in life.
When is Enough really Enough:
People taking vacations every year while still in debt. (Hey didn’t the vacation you took 6 months ago satisfy you enough – guess not)
People finally paying off their cars, then immediately running to the dealership to upgrade the paid for car for another car payment. (Why must you be so smart with money- Sarcasm?)
People getting 8 running shoes or high heeled pumps to really impress the masses. (I believe two to three sneakers or shoes is sufficient for your wardrobe needs)
People expressing discontent with money issues, but continue to open a 12th credit card. (They want more stuff or they might be using credit cards as an emergency fund-HUH?)
People constantly going to the Mall to kill time. (If you don’t want to be tempted, why hold hands with a temptress)
People desiring the newest gadgets. (The iPhone 8 does exactly the same thing as iPhone 7, except for one “I must have it feature”- Really?)
People Leasing away their cash flow because they can’t afford a car – (I can’t understand why anybody would pay for something for 4 years to then give it back)
People continue to set resolutions and never complete them – (Complete goals to get ahead)
People continue to play the Lotto, when they really know they won’t win. – (You have a greater chance of dying while driving-Sad but True)
People can’t hear your advice, because they know so much. (They have never read any PF finance books, Umm so tell me again how you know so much)
These are a few examples of the personal finance smarts roaming the blogosphere and everywhere in modern society. I am guessing the fast paced world with “super marketing tactics” influence to a degree these individuals to never grasp the enough mantra. I am ready to happily provide these folks, who do not know their own limits, the tools to break the damaging personal finance cycle.
The secret is simple to have patience and will power with the ability to read a few personal finance books.
I see it all the time. Renters that make a ton of money, and are slow on rent because they just came back from a vacation. And have to pay a late fee for being a day late.
Wow talk about priorities being messed up. I wonder what other nonsense you see being a landlord. Thanks for the comment.
I worked in housing court and renters who were in court due to non-payment will try to adjourn the court date because they had a vacation so couldn't make it. Other nonsense: many of them had the latest phones, jewelry, name brand clothes, etc. Yea, I don't think their priorities were in the right place.
Ha Ha LivingRich. They can't live if they do not keep up with the joneses.
Another one that drives me nuts is when people buy something they can't afford and then justify it every time you suggest a more reasonable alternative. I know a girl who just moved into a studio for $2400 a month. She say, I can't move because then I'll lose so much time to the commute. Really? An extra hour of your time each day is worth $1400/month?
They always say Time is money, but in this case I rather commute or find another alternative like roomates. Pretty pricey for a studio, tell her to move my way in NJ, they go for 900 bucks a month. Plus she can take the train right in my town into NYC.
Freaking spot on EL. People complain about money, how little they have, and make no effort to learn anything, reflect upon their habits, or change anything.
And people getting a new car right after paying one off is the worst!
I know I hear it all the time Impersonal, I'm almost done paying it off cannot wait to get a new car. Unbelievable to my mind, because I kept my last car for 5 years after I paid it off.
I've never understood leasing a car. One of my best friends was trying to explain it to me in college. She said it would be easier to switch out the car later… which sounded so dumb to me. Why would you always want to have a car payment?? How stressful.
My recent post #NYCFail: Drinking
Yes I don't understand either MEL. But they desire to be flashy so they must pay for 3+ years, then get into another new car and pay again. They are paying a big price and not realizing the impact to building wealth that happens when you lease.
My recent post When is Enough really Enough
These are all very true! People continue to set resolutions and never complete them, and sadly I'm one of them! Sometimes it's very hard to follow your goals because of some reasons.
My recent post Signs You Have Too Much Debt
Following goals should not be hard, you set them now do your best to complete them is my motto. Granted things might get in the way today, but theres always tomorrow. if you can't do it tomorrow, you'll have enough time next week I bet. Just write it down and complete them, you will feel happier.