Hello Friends it’s that time again to get a little personal with some random fun facts about yours truly. I did a throwback post- Here last year and I want to do this at least 2 – 3 times a year. I want to break up the seriousness of money management with all the trials and tribulations about that topic. What better way to switch it up than to get a little personal with you guys, sort of like an online journal I am keeping for myself.
One day I can go back and read how awesome I was to make a record of all the random facts I am sharing. We as humans tend to forget almost everything, so why not reminisce a little from time to time. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
I think this will be a good post because anything with the number 4 is good luck I have heard. Hey readers and bloggers have you shared a recent random fact with anybody today? Be brave and open up, it just might help you in a weird way.
Rich Uncle EL Random Facts 4:
– I park far away in parking lots. Cars were hit way too often and would like to avoid my car getting damaged again.
– I can eat Oatmeal every day for breakfast.
– I have been a saver for as long as I can remember.
– As a father I believe in placing my family’s needs first above anything else.
– I have committed time to a new TV show – Homeland (Intense)
– I believe in taking full advantage of any perks and resources from companies, who are so giving regarding finances.
– I Now believe the best way to get things done is to have intense focus on 1 goal at a time, then proceed to next goal.
– As I age, I find flying more stressful with anxiety intertwined.
– When it comes to finances, I put greater emphasis on the future rather than the present.
– On occasion I get motion sickness, but if I’m driving the car I am fine.
So what do you think of the random facts I divulged above? I want to share, but not have a TMI moment with all of you. If you ever see a TMI random fact here on this website, just let me know in the comments below.
A Few Details behind some of the facts above. I don’t recall the age when I got my first piggy bank, but saving is definitely a part of my DNA. Is there something about you that you know for a fact that it is ingrained within your genes? (Good or Bad?) Homeland is very intense drama / action TV show. I didn’t expect it to be so good. A Friend suggested it a year ago and I never took it seriously till now. I am hooked for the time being. Any Good TV shows you feel are a must watch?
I'm thinking of going back to concentrating on "one thing" too. Def. gets harder to add in a 2nd or 3rd and be equally as productive, especially as it starts taking up more room in your head too. Just so hard to do! 🙂
My recent post The One-In, One-Out Rule
Yes J. It can get overwhelming, trying to be a super blogger, full-time job, and raise a family. Financial goals take effort to implement and complete.
I remember in high school,. I had $300. A friend borrowed $100, I never saw the full amount again, I got paid back $90. but it was a great lesson.
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Loaning money to family or friends is dangerous. I don’t do it because it can ruin relationships. Thanks for the comment.
I love eating oatmeal too! I'm a frustrated singer and whenever I went to our shower room, I've spent about 1 hour or more in there because I'm so busy doing my little concert. 🙂
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It drives me nuts when people are circling around the front of the parking lot trying to find a spot when there are plenty towards the back. Use your feet and walk! By the time I've parked near the back and walked into the store, I think those cars are still circling up front.
Ha funny I see this all the time at a famous club sized store, people idling for a while to get a spot up front. I just laugh and walk.
oatmeal every day sounds yummy and Homeland is a great show!
Yes just finished season 1. Looking forward to the other seasons. What’s your favorite season?
Like you, I get car sickness if I am not the one who is driving, especially on roads that are twisty. I've been pondering your statement about having intense focus on one goal and then moving on, since I read a blog post earlier in the year about that method of goal setting and reaching, but I don't know if it would work for me. My goals (healthy living, blogging my way to a sustainable full-time income) need focus every day for years. However, though, if I were looking at short term goals (lose 10 lbs, make an extra $1,000) then I think your method is great!
It works well for debt as well, kill one and move on to the other. My statement was broad based, I just wanted to express that concentrating on 1 thing is working for me right now. It could evolve next year. Thanks for the support.
I have been a saver ever since I can remember, too. I've heard good things about Homeland but I haven't watched it yet. I can only keep up with four or five shows while they're airing! One of my current favorites is Blacklist, which is also pretty intense. I agree on the goal setting – I've tried to set multiple goals per month and I never get around to accomplishing them all. Hope you're having a good weekend!
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Oh wow your the second person to mention blacklist recently. I hope it goes on Netflix next season. I had an excellent weekend, thanks for stopping by E.M.
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Homeland is a great show. Especially season one. I'm all caught up with it so I won't spoil it for you but I'll say that a lot changes and it will be interesting to see if you continue to enjoy it. I'll be watching season 4 just to see what they're planning to do next.
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