Hello my friends today we will entertain you with a fun light hearted post. Let’s discuss how you can revel in the security behind having an emergency fund account. This has been done many times over and I truly don’t understand why individuals can’t grasp this, as the benefits behind having an EF are overwhelmingly simple to comprehend. Now you can argue that there are 5 reasons to not have an emergency fund, and I’ll say to you stop hating.
I know life has its drama and at times situations prevent you from saving. Move forward and make the best of the present. Just take any of the 5 reasons mentioned and smile because you probably had the same thought once in your life and couldn’t implement the emergency fund then. See below for the 5 reasons why you need an emergency fund.
5 Reasons you need an Emergency Fund:
– If you break a leg while doing a fake acting scene at a friend’s house and you have no insurance. (Charades can be deadly)
– If Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest begin charging $100 dollars a month, your social media circle can’t live life without your likes / Pins.
– If you’re playing beer pong and the golf ball you substituted in ricochets to break your two front teeth. (Dental Bills are cash flow killers)
– You finally landed a new girlfriend / boyfriend who’s a good 9 / 10 in looks, you can’t appear broke if you want to make this last.
– You fibbed and got a new executive level job paying big bucks, you’re going to need at least 3 extra fancy Italian Suits.
I know what you’re thinking that I’m a comedian on the weekends writing about these hilarious reasons. Guess what, these might seem like out there reasons, but they could happen just not in a dramatic fashion. I wonder if you guys prefer these funny posts over my more serious bluntly worded posts. It takes a real big girl and big boy to take criticism with stride. Now after reading my 5 reasons you need an emergency fund and laughing out loud, you are probably wondering what the appropriate amount to save is.
At least 3 months of living expenses to have you floating on cloud nine with glee. This will keep debt away and all the five reasons from draining your cash flow. If you have that EF fund you can write a check and just continue to live with no worries. Now that you understand the 5 reasons you need an emergency fund, how will you make it happen?
Thank goodness I have mine. I act for a living
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Yeah acting can be up and down and it’s best to be prepared.
I'm still building a solid emergency fund. Last year when we had an unexpected travel, it was so hard because we haven't had our emergency fund. That time I realized how e-fund is so important in our lives.
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It really is a way to feel at peace and avoid adding new debt due to emergencies.
One of my reasons why I wanted to have an emergency fund is when I wanted to buy a new gadget or a new expensive outfit?
I have also read about the blow fund and I think I should start saving for it also.
Interesting reason to have an EF account, I guess if that works for you. A blow fund might be exactly what you need. Good luck.
This is exactly NOT what I thought it was going to be about, haha… I almost didn't click to read since I figured it was just going to be another of "those" posts
So well done, my friend. I wish more bloggers did more of this!
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Haha J. Glad you liked it, sometimes it’s fun to laugh it up at times. I enjoy a post most when they have a different twist to them rather than the norm.
I love it, too! Thanks for making me smile…feel like I've been reading "those" posts a lot lately!
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Ok the feedback will help me provide more of these funny posts. I appreciate it and thanks for the comment.
Haha! I love these. I thought it would be a more serious post, when I first started reading it. Here's one reason you need an emergency fund: your mother in law needs to come live with you. Emergency fund = flight out of town.
My recent post Vegetarian Living
Yes I thought it would be fun to make a few jokes about emergency funds. The in-laws moving in is def. a good reason. Thanks for the comment.