Happy 4th of July my friends! What will you do this fun weekend? Maybe you will hit the beach, go to a BBQ, or just hang out at the local park to watch some fire works? I hope to do at least 2 of the fun activities above this weekend. July is always a very busy and fun month, because of that July feels like it just flies by. Do you have a preferred spot to watch some cool fireworks? (Share it below) If I could say one thing it is listed below:
Happy Independence Day!
It takes great planning and effort to have great experiences, and July 4th has always been a very fun filled time for my family. I want to share a cool story with all of you today, about Two years ago on this day, I was driving my family to go see fireworks near the river. On route we had to change the plans because traffic was horrendous. Here in the North East it is a constant annoyance. I offered a suggestion to the Misses, that we stop and eat at a cool diner in the area, she agreed as it was a great idea given the situation. After we enjoyed the meal we begin to walk out of the diner, and guess what. Fireworks began to sound off right in front of the diner establishment. The kids all began to smile as they witness the sounds and colors of what July 4th symbolizes. It was a perfect ending to a great day. I hope to never forget these great experiences as it is what life is all about. I hope you can get out and enjoy the day as well with all your loved ones.
Do you have a fun story to share about Independence Day?
Rich Uncle EL