What’s going on today my friends? The topic today is patience, I feel if you practice patience you can successfully train the mind to do extraordinary things. For example you can become a better person by not letting impulses drive your actions. The number one detriment to people becoming wealthy today is a lack of patience. The Delayed gratification phrase is steadily being played out like a 90s hit song all over the personal finance world, but it is the sad truth many people are faced with because we all want things now.
In this society patience is running thin, and I see the harmful effects of this every day. From the careless drivers who cannot help themselves to look up away from their cell phones, to the guys running up enormous bar tabs to impress girls at a bar. It all boils down to having patience in life. I will share with all of you today how to practice patience and I hope you can see the benefits to why you would want to practice being more patient in life. How to practice patience examples listed below:
How to Practice Patience:
IF you can forgo buying cars or leasing cars every 3 years.
IF you can wait a week before restocking on new beer /wine.
IF you can cut cable for 2 months to see how you can fair without it.
IF you can keep 100 to 200 dollar buffer in the checking account, wait till the next pay day, then save it.
IF you can turn the AC on less during a hot day, IF you get home at 5pm from work wait till 6 pm to turn it on.
IF you can drive without texting, checking social media, or looking at your cell.
IF you can wait at least 6 months before buying any new luxury items.
If you can watch less TV and read more.
If you can go without a vacation for over 2 years+, if in debt.
If you can wait to buy all the things in life with Cash and not with Credit cards.
If you can think things through before acting on impulse or emotion
If you can be a good Parent.
If you can go against something you feel deeply about because it is the right path for you or your family.
I hope you enjoyed the examples above on becoming a patient person. Things happen so fast in our society, that I feel many are losing the battle on being able to slow down. I will be honest as I am a naturally patient person, but I struggle with it from time to time. For example I want financial results as quickly as possible, and if it does not happen at the pace I want it to go, I get anxious. I have no more credit card debt, but when I was paying it off it dragged on forever. I wanted the balance to drop as low as possible every month. I know some of you can relate to that feeling. For now I feel that if I practice my patience every day that I will achieve a new level of personal success and goal attainment in life.
Hey Rich Uncle, I love this post! We all know that patience is a virtue, but we have a hard time actually displaying patience in our day to day lives. Thanks for the great read!
My recent post What’s The Purpose | Why Most Bloggers Fail #7
Yes great quote Josh. I practice patience whenever I can and it helps me in many ways. Thanks for the comment and I keep on being patient.
Patience is admittedly one of my biggest weaknesses in my day to day, though oddly, when it comes to spending, I'm great at it. I'd much rather wait for a promo than go out and buy something immediately full price.
My recent post Blogging Lessons Learned
That’s great you can wait to buy something, for me when I do wait 70 % of the time I end up not buying it. Thanks for the comment Stef.
Practicing patience is a great thing. As you've pointed out, we've become an instant gratification society. If we can't have it all now, we get upset or go into debt to have it now. If we could have patience, we would appreciate what we have more and I think, would be much happier as a result too.
My recent post Positive Life Quotes â July 20, 2014
Good insight Don, any specific ways you practice patience?