Did you ever consider how many financial benefits out of walking you can get? Besides the health benefits walking can provide you so much more that people can extract from the simple act of walking. I walk everyday about 1 mile, and it helps me refresh my mind. For example if I am stressed over something the walking helps. Also if I am feeling mentally tired by a task at work that is getting very repetitive, well walking helps with this situation as well. It’s safe to say anyone with the right mind frame and with an able physique understands the awesomeness of walking. Now let’s focus on the money side of walking and how the heck it can help you out as well. See below for 5 tips on the financial benefits of walking.
The Financial Benefits of Walking:
-No Gas related expenses because of your effective powerwalking abilities.
-No Car insurance Fees because the only insurance needed when walking is a good pair of sneakers.
-No lease or Car payment to the tune of $400 bucks a month, the average car payment here in America.
-No car Repair worries, the other day I had to fork over $350 bucks to replace a freaking faulty pulley.
-No need to waste dollars and time washing / cleaning said car.
Mind you for all walkers this will be possible when you can move near your place of work or maybe work from home full time. All the other entertainment related stuff can be done by asking friends and family, taking public transportation, or hiring the various car ride services for a helpful lift. If you live in a metro city this shouldn’t be a problem, but if you live in a far-fetched suburb and or rural area, then maybe you cannot make this walking experiment happen. Staying local helps with this situation or biking instead of walking can add about 10 miles extra per day with ease.
If you couple all of the reasons above, plus all the commute time you will save you can most definitely save thousands of dollars a year. Does your time equal money, well in my case it can be because I am wasting about 1-1.5 hours a day commuting depending on the traffic. If I can take that back and do 1 hour of walking or biking a day, I would be a happier person. Being active makes me feel better. If I can pull this off one day I predict I could do about 2-3 miles a day instead of just 1 mile per day. Have you ever calculated how much you walk per day?
Try it out by getting a pedometer or a cell phone pedometer app on your smart phone. It will amaze you how little or how many steps you walk per day. If you do about 7500 steps per day and live till 80 years of age, you will walk the equivalent of about 5 times around the Earth. WOW. Now after convincing all of you over the benefits of walking, once you establish a new home base near work, get rid of the car, and start saving that money. Anyone can get on the fast walking path to a million dollars.
How Walking can Save you Money:
Mint Post: 7 Ways to Save By Walking
Simple Thrifty Living: 5 Simple Ways to Save
Along the same vein I started biking to work about 4 years ago just to try it out and its been an amazing lifestyle change. I combine my commute with exercise. It saves me time and money. Not to mention that it's great to be out in the city and not behind a barrier of glass and metal. Everyone should give it a try.
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Wow 4 years now, that's a great commitment. I only wish my commute was close enough to be able to bike to work. How many miles do you bike per day?
I walk as much as possible! It feels so much better walking to the grocery store to grab something for dinner than it does to get in the car, drive there, get back into the car, drive home. I'm a little too far away to walk to work (and would have to go through a dodgy neighborhood), but I dream of a day when I can be completely car free. Walking is so much better.
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Yes it is, you feel less restrictive and you get the added benefits of excercise, saving dollars, and emitting less pollution. Keep on walking, and thanks for your comment.
Walking is just one of the best exercise for me. I prefer to walk rather than riding if it's just only a few blocks away. Sometimes before the sunset, I go to the plaza and take a walk for at least 30 minutes.
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That is great when you can use your body to work out and save some dollars by not using extra gas. Thanks for the comment Marie.
I am a huge fan of walking! We walk for fun, to relax, to commute, to run errands… you name it, we've walked there :)!
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Cool and when you walk to go shopping, you buy less things because you have to carry it all the way home. Thanks frugalwoods.
I started walking a lot more this year. I walk to the gym and to the grocery store since they are both relatively close by. I've noticed that I get much better gas mileage too because I take fewer short trips. Those are the ones that kill gas mileage the most.
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That would be awesome to walk to the gym. I agree small trips do a big number on my mpg. Thanks.
I'm with you on walking and it's also a big reason I like living in NYC (Queens). It is very walkable…no need to drive everywhere. Once a neighbor asked why I didn't just drive to the supermarket (he saw me and my wife with 2 bags)…ah…well the supermarket was like 4-5 blocks away, why the heck would I drive?? I also like walking up/down the stairs…and can't stand waiting for the elevator. The neighbors who are young and fit yet wait on the 2nd floor really drive me a bit crazy!
Good point about the stairs, I love taking stairs as well. Whenever the elevator is down at my place of work, people cry and its only 3 floors. I just laugh and take the stairs everyday. AT home I only take the lift aka elevator if I have 5 or more bags of groceries.
Nashville is not very walkable, unfortunately. We walk the dogs in the evenings, but we have to drive most places. It's working on becoming more bicycle friendly, and I bike when I can during the spring and fall, but until then we just try to drive less. Saves on gas, wear on the car, and a host of other things, like you said. Great points.
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Hopefully it will become a bike city sooner rather than later. If I worked less than 4 miles from work I would bike everyday.
I remember before when I was younger, my father really loved to walk and I always complained during that time! He told me that walking has a lot of health benefits and also it can save you money too. And now that I'm in my 20's now, I already can relate what my father told me before. 🙂
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Yes I have a similar story about walking with my grandfather, he made me and my cousins walk 20 New York city blocks. Back then at age 10 the blocks seemed so long, but now it is a piece of cake. We had to walk because my grandfather never owned a car, he loved walking and taking public transportation.
Yes, I stroll however much as could be expected! It feels so vastly improved strolling to the supermarket to get something for supper than it does to get into the auto, drive there, get once more into the auto, commute home. I'm excessively far away to stroll to work, however, I long for a day when I can be totally auto free. Strolling is so vastly improved. Thank you so much.