What are the best things that make us happy? A simple question that many can answer, if they can take a brief moment to think for a second about what are the magical things that make us happy. If you can think back to your younger days were you happier then or now? Can you define happiness? Not the past or the future but the present happiness that is engulfing your life. LOL.
I’ve noticed a big movement on the finding happiness bandwagon from blogs, documentaries, and now a movie is about to be released based on this subject. (Just saw the trailer last weekend) At the core of the topic many people ask the question, what makes you happy? Do they want to know answers as it will solve a mystery based on this discussion, because everybody seems miserable? Maybe they are looking for a rabbit in a fox hole? Happiness is not something you can whip up and serve on a platter. It is a realization as to how you view life in the current state, with no past regrets and a sense of making the best of every situational moment going forward. This is happiness defined in my opinion. Now let’s discuss this topic further below and talk a bit about my personal happiness activities. The next few phrases I will express what makes me happy.
Can you Define Happiness:
– First and foremost being with family and bonding as much as possible. Taking reasonable vacations on occasion to experience together the great activities that will stay in my memories forever.
– Staying Active in any capacity possible. I prefer moving more than sitting, as I’ll leave sitting after I reach my 70th birthday. Healthiness is intertwined with happiness for me, and working out is a stress reliever as well.
– Being near and in the water as much as possible. Living near the beach or with a fancy pool nearby is convenient for my family. We all love to swim and the kids love playing in the sand. Heck even enjoying a long warm shower is happiness defined in my book.
– Experiencing gourmet style dinners nicely prepared by us at home with good ingredients. On occasion going to a freshly cooked lower priced mom and pop restaurant, which offers a plethora of unique menus items.
– Having the time to be creative in the things I enjoy doing. Writing, building things, trying out new projects. Woodworking and Cooking is mostly what I’ve done in the past. Writing a book is a good project I hope to accomplish one day. (Hobbies)
– Volunteering is a good past time as I feel good when I help others out in unselfish ways. Helping organizations with fundraising is a good avenue I feel I can contribute towards now and when I retire.
– Time and buying back all the years lost with future years. The ability to feel free without restrictions. This is the one I currently struggle with as I desire to have more free time.

After displaying all the things that make me feel happy, it feels great putting it on my site. I will hold myself to doing more of these things every year, and it is good for goal setting in the future. These happiness activities can be accomplished with moderation given you have free time in-between work and leisure time. But if you didn’t have to work and had a consistent cash flow trickling in from various sources well you can do all of them everyday if you so choose.
I have to work on building my passive income in order to make this a reality. This is where happiness and money are comingled, because most folks can’t stand being told what to do. At its core working for many people is a forced labor activity. If we didn’t have to sit for 40 hours a week at a desk, I’m sure we can do other more enjoyable things. This is the reason I choose to write about this happiness post and you had to get to the end to understand that happiness can be found in everyday life, but to experience a freedom abundant happiness that is another level of happiness we all should strive to achieve.
Resources to help you on defining happiness:
Staying Humble – This post made my Happy by MyMoneyDesign.com
Does Money make you Happy – Post by FinanciallyBlonde.com
I agree with everything in your list. I'm struggling a bit with building a passive income to make it a reality. How much of today's happiness am I giving up, to obtain happiness in 5 years? That's the conumdrum I find myself in some days.
Yes that’s a fair argument, but one that cannot be ignored as we all must sacrifice in order to live free later. I am shifting to a one every other month sacrifice, and the other months live for experiences lifestyle. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I have been on the search for happiness for years, and I define it as helping others before I help myself. Whenever I do this, it makes me incredibly happy.
That's a good point to make, as I volunteer whenever I can to help others. Also as a parent you are constantly doing stuff for the little people, that feels good all the time.
My recent post Can you Define Happiness?
When I think about happiness I spell it as d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r. My daughter is my total happiness and also my family. And I want to give them as much as I can and by making them happy too!
Thats a great way to stay happy Kate. Family is very important.
I learned that happiness comes from spending time with friends and family and creating memories with them. We can just hang out playing board games and it gives such good feelings.
My recent post How To Overcome Negative Thoughts
Right on my friend being happy with family is the best. Thanks for the comment.
That movie looks awesome. A few years ago I was a very negative person. I would have these moments of extreme euphoria followed by wallowing 99% of my days. Now I think I'm a generally happy person. I love the way I spend my days- writing, acting, running, cooking, etc. But the greatest joy I have is climbing into bed at night next to my boyfriend and talking about the day. There's really nothing like it.
My recent post Is It Irresponsible to Give When You’re Poor?
Very Nice Stef keep on spreading those good vibes. Thanks for defining happiness.