Wow this is the last personal finance sayings post. It has been a bumpy ride with all the idioms based around money. It is always fun to quote some classic financial, back-handed, straight to your gut money sayings. I hope you read part 1 and part 2, but if you missed them go back and enjoy the awesomeness. Keep on trucking my financial friends and if you ever need anything don’t call me, find me on Twitter.
Side Hustles – really cool part-time jobs mostly tax-free paid pass times.
Smart Money – money handled by financial smart individuals
Stacking Method –paying the higher interest rate debt first, then move on to the next highest interest after you pay off the 1st
Stacking Benjamin’s – building your money pile as quickly as possible
SnowBall Method – Paying off the lowest balance first, then move on to the next lowest balance while combining both payments.
SnowFlake – sprinkling money here and there in hopes to become debt free
Spend Less than you earn – basically stating the obvious about how to manage money, but it is never taken seriously by big spenders
Stop Swimming with the sharks – to me means hanging with the likes of Wall Street big earners, and to be mindful of who you do dealings with.
The Median – average or the middle
The First Wealth is Health – If your chasing wealth and your health suffers, wealth doesn’t matter.
Throw Good Money after Bad – it is best to not waste good money after already spending money on something.
Time to make those Benjamin’s – you are heading out to get a big payday based off a side hustle or heading out to work
Time is Money – the time is ticking so get to investing as soon as possible as money and time waits for no man
Being a Thousandaire – having a net worth in the multiple thousands and bragging about it proudly as you’re not in the negatives no more
Thrifty – watching your money but not at the same level compared to frugality, while being able to still travel and shop modestly without a strict budget
What am I made of money – a common phrase used to tell others that I am on a budget, and I am not spending money on you today
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life – having wealth is a lifestyle that can lead to a greater sense of freedom.
A Wise Man should have money on his mind and not in his heart – money is important but not so much where you lose love or family to grow money.
Your Worth Your weight in Gold – a compliment to the person you’re talking to, basically saying their weight is worth a lot when converted to gold
Zero Sum Game – an investment gain is usually balanced by a loss, equal amounts
Fun! You could make a reference book/dictionary for all of us in the PF space. It could become standard issue for new bloggers/personal finance folks
My recent post Beyond The Allowance: Raising a Frugal Kid
Very same idea I had in mind when I decided to write these posts about personal finance sayings. Talk to you soon Mrs frugalwoods.
Haha this is fun. It's like a PF glossary.
My recent post How Fast Can You Churn a Credit Card?
Yes it is, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by.