Why do most people find it difficult to save a dollar? I think I found the answer and it will either speak a sense of truth in your life or you will dislike what I am about to say. This idea was created by speaking to certain people who constantly say you can’t take it with you to the grave. Do they really justify not saving because they think they will die soon? Also by watching the show the walking dead, where walkers roam aimlessly around the planet. The reason people subconsciously do not save money is because a part of all of us has that little feeling we might not be around to enjoy it. I can’t believe I actually said that and I will probably get some flak for it. We all have a live in the present, as happy as can be mindset because we might not be around to enjoy it.
The second reason some people do not save money, and I will save this topic for another post, is that the government will find a way to take our retirement savings. If the government takes our retirement savings, believe me we all will have greater issues than just money at that point. Can we say Anarchy at that point in time!!! We great citizens of the USA make on average about $100-150 dollars a day and we cannot find it in us to save $5 dollars per day. Why is that so? Do you ever question in full reality why Americans have a government reported savings rate of about 5% or less. If you do question the reason people subconsciously do not save money could it be because of thoughts based about death in your opinion? (Morbid yes- truthful Heck yes)
I want to divulge the facts so that we can bounce back from the mentality that we cannot save more. The truth is and it is no secret to the CIA or the wealthy neighbor who lives next door, that money only gets saved if the person holding it moves it in that direction. People can’t forgo saving adequately because of fear from the unknown. Now if it’s simply that simple, for gosh sakes people let’s begin to change the trend. It boggles my mind that many still look the other way or simply look at their cell phone to ignore great conversations based around saving more. The cell phone is used as a new tool to allow people to place their head in the sand personality. (Stop Ignoring the Facts) If you take the money directly from the paycheck to an online savings account you can save, because if you hold it on hand for too long that’s when all of sudden people get the bright idea to go “window shopping” on a Saturday. But the window shopping turns into a $200 hundred dollar Saturday shopping extravaganza.
I want the best for all of you, and having a bunch of savings is the best way to help you in many ways. From emergency situations to starting a business there is no other equal than a boat load of green backs. (No pun intended) I’m not going to grill this anymore into your head or as a coworker once blurted out, it’s like beating a dead horse over the head. It’s a freaking given to have a savings account, and it’s also important to get your grimy little paws off the account every time you get an itch to buy a new toy. An emergency is an emergency and the only real reason you would touch it is when you exceed the savings goal, you begin to use it or invest the extra dollars into long term assets.
This post is based on a subconscious feeling that nobody really likes to discuss. I’m sure you all can find conscious (excuses) reasons for not saving, let’s discuss that another day.
Do you ever feel you will not enjoy all your retirement savings? Why or Why Not?
Comment on the reason people subconsciously do not save money?
Rich Uncle EL
PS – Is anyone dressing up as a zombie for Halloween?
This is a great post – very thought-provoking! I have had those thoughts numerous times – we're young, we have no idea when we'll leave this earth, so we may as well enjoy our hard-earned money now. While I tend to be a saver to a fault, I'm working more on living in the moment. It's all about balance, right?!
Yes find the balance, but savings should be greater priority in everyday lives. We are under saving as a nation. Thanks for the comment.
Yea…those seem to be the usual reasons people use for not saving…YOLO…FOMO. There's no patience and everyone wants instant gratification. And another problem is that people falsely believe that spending tons of money is the only way that can be happy.
Yup I agree adults think things through, and kids say gimme things now. Have patience and you’re on your way to living a financially sound life.
I remember before, we had a conversation with my friends. One of my friends has a very good job with a very good income but she don't usually save for her because she wants to enjoy her hard earned money, she doesn't matter even if she's living paycheck to paycheck.
My recent post Friday Jet Fuel #16
This is sadly the norm. Hopefully your friend is reading your blog and learning about smart money techniques. Thanks for commenting Kate.
After we had a death in the family we started what I call " A Spending Death Spiral" and moved away from saving as a reaction to grief and shock and the thought that you can't take it with you. We recovered and realized that part of "living for today" IS about hope and planning for the future.
Yes some people coup by spending money, it’s really unfortunate. I care more about saving than spending. Thanks messy money for commenting.