A new series is born today, with the premise that now I will let you in to see the things that I spent my last hundred dollars on. Imagine if you had only a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on?
The last hundred is a way to lighten up the financial blogosphere with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of boring spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over.
Also part of me is still hesitant to fully reveal my financial numbers in all its lowly soon to be very highly glory. What will this accomplish, maybe nothing. But it sure is exciting to see what people spend money on, don’t you think?
The spring is about 4 months away and I am very excited to shovel massive amounts of snow this winter. (Not really) We are gonna switch it up today and give you a snap shot of spending in the month of December for some Christmas gifts and random misc. things. (Obviously excluding Mrs. Rich Uncle EL’s gifts, as I don’t want to give away all my secrets)
See below for some spending based off the last hundred dollars – Christmas edition.
The Last Hundred Dollars – Christmas Edition:
Kohl’s – $73 good ol’ bucks for gifts, this place is the best, total was over $125, 25% discount combined with another coupon knocked it way down.
Target – 27 – I needed milk and chocolate syrup for the kids, and I walked out with so much more food, snacks -Oh and Peanut Butter. (That stuff is the best) Watch out for impulse purchases, they can destroy a budget.
Amazon – 68 – Gifts for the kiddos.
Kohl’s – 80 – Went again to this fabulous store; I always get a good discount here, more gifts
Joes New Balance Outlet – 40 – More Gifts, this online store is awesome for New Balance apparel and kicks.
So with a sad face that concludes the Fifth series on the last hundred dollars – Christmas edition. See the 4th installment of this great series here. Ben franklin will forever continue to cry all the way into others hands, but at least it was for some good economically frugal shopping I must say.
The total is a cool $288 dollars, and I guess the total is not complete yet because as we get closer to Christmas expenses tend to pop up. If I didn’t get these sexy discounts, the total would have been about 420 dollars. I saved about 38%. (Prettay Prettay Good if I must say. )
I have been loose lately with my budget as the holidays can wreak havoc on anyone’s wallet, including mine. I know in January I will get back on target with all my money goals. The faster I achieve them the better I feel, so why not attain them sooner rather than later. Money Goals wait for no man!!!
To put things in perspective this amount is nothing compared to income. I’m not saying two hundred dollars should be wasted monthly, but it’s the holiday season.
I wonder with a thinking man pose, what did you spend this year for Christmas? Do you want to be brave and reveal it below? I will be indebted to you and honored if you would volunteer below.
Have a great December my friends and Happy Holidays!
Comment on what you recently spent on gifts and random things this holiday season?
There’s no need to mention the entire 1,000 (grand) you spent on gifts just the last hundred dollars.
Rich Uncle EL
PS – The figures above are rounded up and down to eliminate the geekiness behind adding decimals.