I want to give you a few of the financial ponderings I was thinking of during lunch yesterday. These will never change as Americans are fully integrated into a system that is not beneficial for the average person. I hope many of you will learn a few things from reading these tidbits and just stop to think that maybe there is a better way to live life.
Granted we all take risks in life for instance if a stock you owned dropped a few dollars, and you cashed out. But if you are constantly signing on the dotted line for loan applications year after year, then you are destined to live a life of less abundance. By overspending on products and getting services above means is a lifestyle that is never good financial sense.
By discussing the financial ponderings and then acting responsibly by your money any reader will transform into a super informed financial mastermind. Who can decipher any financial pitfalls like a spelunker for the money life we all lead. If done right The ups will be tremendous highs, and the downs will be easily stress free as we can cover any emergency due to the financial smarts and cash hoard we have stashed by not being victims to these interest rate trickery by the banking institutions.
Financial Ponderings:
Why is it that people are ok with paying double the price of a house by getting a mortgage and can’t see that it is a totally legal form of robbery?
Why buy into the fear of the market by selling when the markets are dropping, instead of diversifying intelligently in the first place.
Why pay more in taxes, when you can systematically reduce it, just by reading more and staying informed of income tax loopholes in your state.
Why is it that many folks spend about 1/3 of income into a car for all their lives, and continue life like nothing is financially wrong with that?
Why do many European, Asian and third world countries have a savings rate that is higher than the savings rate of the richest country in the world?
When will people see it’s NOT beneficial to say I work hard to play hard or yelling Yolo as they buy another bottle in a night club?
Growing a mustache is not only badass, but you will reduce your annual razor expense; those things are freakin expensive.
Banks will never have your best interest in mind; they only want your interest fees to pad their revenue pockets.
When you lease cars you’re literally saying: I can’t afford a car, so let me borrow it, then give it back.
People who negate investing are either scared or uninformed, either way you can’t negate something you haven’t tried.
Automatic car starters to warm up cars in winter can be as smart as throwing money down the toilet. (1 minute braving a cold car never killed anyone)
Bears have many layers and survive in Alaskan outdoors, wear sweaters indoors, and lower the Heat your body will adjust.
If you can’t learn from past money mistakes, it says a lot more about you than you may think.
Gambling is never smart, because the $1 dollar you play for fun will turn to $100 in a few years. It’s the addictive actions behind it that get you trapped.
By paying yourself first, you’re making a statement, that your future life is more important than the banks net income.
Before you act think for a second will this benefit me or not? If the answer is no then question the decision you are about to make.
Those are some good questions that more people should be asking themselves.
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