I’ve seen thousands of examples of money being placed above looks in this society. Which leads me to wonder does money trump looks when seeking a mate? This is a financial blog, so I will give my two cents when it comes to this subject and the pessimist in me has me thinking that money has a greater weighting than looks now a days.
But what is a person to do if they want to date consistently, and they have no money and are lacking in the attractiveness department? I don’t have the answer, but I can help you fix one of the two problems, if you consistently read this blog. Having money will help you land more dates because money can make you look sexier for some strange reason. (Mind you I don’t know if the people money attracts is actually good for you in the end)
How about personality traits? Do you prefer that above looks or above money? I think personality plays a part in the discussion but it happens after people get over the first impressions of looks and after the financial issues as well. Because personality has more weighting for long term relationship success. But let’s focus on the money or attractiveness character traits for the purpose of this blog post.
When speaking to some folks about this topic, most agree that first there has to be at a minimum some attraction, and then money is an overwhelming deciding factor if a second or third date will take place. Then many factors including money life, values, personality, etc. must be aligned if they will eventually get into the longer term relationship status.
Random feedback by Interviewees on Does Money Trump Looks:
I think it’s because women have gotten burned by men with looks before and money is a big reason for a lot of arguments so now when looking they ask about the job or financial status first.
Women choose or look for financial security and if the other person has some attractive features it will lead to more dates.
Men choose looks first, and then decide later if they will pursue relationship, and financial status of mate is a factor in that decision making process.
People for the most part want free things, and are willing to give up on the attractiveness in order to have a lifestyle that comes with free things and experiences.

Additional Resources:
I once read that if people have a big debt load, they rarely get dates after the relationship prospects find about any financial issues, and they usually get dumped more often than those people without debt. Lack of money is evident quickly if they have big debt and the prospect can get a hint of this if one of the date-iees states they can’t go out often or have excuses based around spending additional dollars $$.
I guess it depends what gender is searching for love, and what stage in life the person is who is single and looking for love. I assume a younger person might be looking for handouts, while an older person who is established might be searching for love or companionship.
After reading the resources above it has been revealed that single men don’t place as much emphasis on income when compared to their single female counterparts. So gender does play a role in the money over looks debate.
In support of this topic and to give further evidence – singles who drive a luxury car get more attention than others who don’t desire a high costing luxury vehicle.
In conclusion if you want to get married or for that fact go on dates, you’re going to need money to make it happen. If you’re as handsome as Brad Pitt or as beautiful as Jennifer Aniston, sure you might be the exception to the rule.
If you’re not then you might consider reading this blog, and other resources to get your financial life in order a.s.a.p. because looks don’t have more weight than money. After asking many participants they all said money is more important than looks in our current society.
Furthermore if you have debt, it is a major hindrance to reaching love or actually being dateable. Might be a good idea to clean it up or avoid it all together. In reality people want a solid person who has both money and is attractive without too much weighting on one or the other for the perfect match made in heaven.
Can I have a little bit of both? I think there has to be some attraction, connection with a partner and you would like them to have their act together financially too. If I had to only choose one I think I'm going with money. Money in the sense that they have their financial act together.
Of course you can have both if you’re lucky, haha. I think it’s important to be on top of Finances as it makes life easier and less stressful. Attractiveness is out of our control, but financial sexiness is fully up to us.
I would love to be extremely FI and only be average in the looks, if I had a choice. Downright ugly might not bode well for my future happiness if I had to get that way from average in order to get the money. So, I would probably go with average and middle class and call it a day.
Keep cranking,
Robert the DividendDreamer
dividenddreamer recently posted..Dividend Income Update 1Q 2015
Haha that’s funny, the genes we get is out of our control. But yes we can control our finances, and if you reach FI it will help give you the freedom to date more single prospects. Good luck.
Great article, one only has to ask if Warren Buffett would ever have trouble with the ladies 😉