On occasion I second guess purchases with a question attached to the indecision. The question is does this expense provide value to my life? If no then for the most part I don’t spend the dollars. Many people will read this and think why is Rich Uncle EL so strict with his income? Well I will answer it for you today and it is really simple. My personality is and will always be a forward looking type of person. I look to maximize anything that will benefit my family’s future, even if it means the present is lived a bit more modestly.
This is what I mean about life questioned for financial success.
If you wonder why, because it makes me happy when financial security is increased with the effectiveness of 214 bit security encryption. What does an increase in financial security mean to me or anyone with a forward looking stance on life?
First off it is not being forced to work for time
Second it is doing enjoyable things while still young without sacrificing future income
Third is being able to give to whoever desired without decreasing investments (When the nest egg is big enough you can give off the returns)
Fourth is establishing a good empire of passive income
Actually being able to achieve a huge nest egg while living all of the 4 steps daily, fascinates and intrigues me completely. I’ve never met anyone outside of the blogging world who lives the financially independent lifestyle. I can clearly say I am a groupie of freedom. Life questioned for financial success is the only way I know how to attain that freedom.
Not just take a vacation once a year freedom, or take 3 vacations a year on debt fake freedom. When I reach a specific level, I want to go away for a month all on cash. Imagine that and let that sink in for a moment. I can visualize it right now, as I walk around the cobble stone streets of Spain exploring my newly found artsy neighborhood and lounging in a quaint house.
Too many experiences are lost by sitting on a desk doing unappealing work, when your eyes are starving to see something new. This is why I follow photographers on Instagram because they post awesome pictures, and not for the nonsense that is usually posted on their. They introduce my eyes to new images of photography I would have never seen before.
In addition to this too many opportunities vanish when you don’t question purchases consistently while investing any savings you questioned. This is a trick many people can’t do in addition to not having a budget or not feeling comfortable with investing. Do you know thousands of companies in this world who pay and have paid stockholders for decades just to hold a piece of their business as an asset? I am all for doing that because it will allow me that little freedom I mentioned before. All the people who spend all they earn will never experience that freedom.
I dislike when people say “live in the present”, to justify them spending all their surplus income. I cannot accept living a life playing the short game, I really can’t it’s not part of my DNA. If those people only had foresight to realize that life is a treasure to be lived freely, and if you work for 60 years just to spend it all along the journey, and that is the exact opposite behind the freedom I am discussing here today.
Comment on how you feel about Life Questioned for financial success?
Rich Uncle EL
Pic provided by Scottchan of Freedigitalphotos.net