On occasion I have to deal with unexpected expenses that throws off my budget. What can I say this is how life works and we either have to be ready or not to deal with the issues. How many times have you heard the phrase Murphy’s law, which references anything that can go wrong will go wrong. The emergencies or events almost always happen at inopportune times. Why do we have unexpected expenses? (No one knows but they sure stink)
Well this recently happened to me and it really makes it difficult to think optimistically. Challenging times are not easy but also completely help you realize a fire within you to push forward. The incident that made my heart skip a beat, was a major car accident. Another driver fell asleep and hit my parked car at 6 a.m. last Saturday morning.
Why Do We Have Unexpected Expenses
I was walking Sunday night to get my car to pick up my mother in law, when I witnessed the horror. At first I thought I was having an issue with my eyes as the car was clearly not in its usual state. Every step closer my vision focused and my nightmare was realized, the car was badly hit from behind. Knocking off both left side tires off their axles and damaging both the back and front bumpers.
When I finally stood in front of my once beauty of a car, now a crushed mess with sand under as my car had fluid leakage from the engine. I got a bit emotional as I was thinking of the hassle and why do we have unexpected expenses that shocked me to the core. All the hoopla happened due to another individual’s carelessness.
It’s different if the accident is your fault, but when its done by someone else you can’t help but feel more pissed off.
I was left a handy dandy note by the local police department and I have to wait 4 days to receive a police report.(Why so long?) The person I assume was either texting and driving or actually sleeping. I hope they will now learn a lesson, if it was either situation, because the person happened to hit 3 other cars in the war path accident. I assume the driver will now have to deal with a higher insurance payment that is well deserved.
If the car is determined to be in totaled condition, I will actually be a bit sad, but relieved as this is the 2nd accident my car was involved in while parked on the street. The more accidents a car has the harder it is to resell in the future. I am always thinking about the future value of things I own. I hope I get enough reimbursed from the car’s insurance to get another decently used car. A new to me car shopping experience is fun, but never for a situation like this. At least it was an accident while the car was parked, and not while I was driving. Sometimes its best to solve the issue and think of the positives in life instead of the negatives. This is a long story, and another simple example behind having an emergency fund readily available to give you financial assistance.
Why do we have unexpected expenses? Because that’s how life is.
Comment on why do we have Unexpected Expenses like the one above?
Sorry you have to deal with this! Luckily you werent in the car when it happened!
Maybe these unexpected expenses help keep our lives in perspective? Regardless, they suck! 🙂
Yup it really stinks, trying to remember all the positives of the car while it lasted, and now on the hunt to replace it.
Um… you just deleted my comment. Hope that was an accident?
An accident (our fault) totaled our car less than two weeks before I left for FinCon and my husband left for a different trip. It was harrowing to try to find a replacement, so I feel your pain.
As for why there are unexpected expenses… Because life is, at its core, random. And if you can't predict the future, you can't plan for everything. No matter how much you try.
Luckily, you *can* grumble about it extensively. Trust me on this one.
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I would never delete your comment, unless your spamming me. LOL. I agree it just makes things more difficult when I get these out of the blue expenses. Thanks for the comment seattlegirlluw.
My recent post Why Do We have Unexpected Expenses