Hello Readers we are doing another rendition of the the last hundred dollars I’ve spent recently, but this time it will be a Christmas edition. We are upping the amount to $300 dollars because $100 is just to small of an amount for Christmas. Imagine if you only had a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on? Granted if you were down to the last hundo, I bet you will save some of it for food or maybe all of it lol. We gots to eat to live! The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition has been a fun ride. that I’m happy to share with all of you.
The last 300 hundred dollars Christmas edition is a way to lighten up the financial blog space with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. As of right now I still don’t feel 100% showing you guys all my pennies and cents, but with these posts you get a sneak peak at some random expenses. See below for the fun.
The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition:
Marshall’s Retail Store – $30 dollars – a toy gift for 1 of the rug rats in the family.
Walmart – $50 – Had a great deal on emoji pillows so I grabbed a few for the kiddos.
Khols – $50 – I got some gifts for family members and found myself a good winter hat, even though its been 60 degrees in the north east, the cold will hit soon and I’ll be prepared.
Ebay / Target – $135 I found a good deal on a Barbie Dream house for the twins. They are 5 years old and I hope they enjoy it for a few years to come.
Target – $35 – I got some awesome goodies from here, more gifts (Star Wars Hat and Socks) once again and I bought myself a nice New Year’s eve Shirt
Its crazy that most of the purchases above were made online, I did most of my Christmas shopping online this year. How did you shop this holiday season online or in retail stores?
So with a sad face that concludes the seventh installment on the last 300 hundred dollars Christmas edition. See the 6th installment of this great series here. Ben Franklin will forever continue to cry all the way into other people’s hands, but at least it is based on good frugal shopping. Did you know the average consumer is slated to spend about 800 dollars just on Christmas gifts this year. As of right now I am way below this figure and I have 4 kids.
The total is a hot $300 dollars for this post, but I am still not done shopping, and I’m totally OK with it as I am not focused entirely on investing. I enjoy having a good balance between family fun and future goals.
Have you been loose lately with your budget this Christmas season? It can wreak havoc on anyone’s wallet, including mine. I know in the new year I will get back on target with my money goals as in the holiday season I tend to spend a bit more than normal.
Money Goals wait for no man!!!
If you feel you have to spend dollars for necessities, at least look for good deals from places like Khols with a 30% off deal. I usually check for some coupon codes before I go shopping and I usually save a big sum of money. On the purchases above I saved around $150 dollars by searching for coupon codes and buying at the right time.
To put things in perspective this amount is nothing compared to income. I’m not saying $300 hundred dollars should be wasted, but it’s the holiday season and at times expenses pop up when searching for holiday gifts.
I wonder with a thinking man pose, what did you spend your last 300 dollars Hundred on in this season? Do you want to be brave and reveal it below? I will be indebted to you and honored if you would volunteer below.
Comment on the Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition and I will Buy you a Beer one day?
PS: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Nicely done. We have picked up some deals as well this holiday season. Marshall is one of our favorite stores to shop, with three growing children you need to now how to find the deals. My last $300 went for some itunes, movie and restaurant gift cards. Giving a gift of music and experience to some this year. Merry Christmas!
That is a good point Brian and the older kids would love ITunes and movie gift cards. Experiences are the best gifts for me, and I will be giving the wife a nice dinner out soon.
My recent post The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition
Gift cards go a long way during the holidays. The recipient gets a lot out of it because they can get exactly what they want and the giver knows they're not giving something that isn't wanted. Lots of bang for the buck with those. The need to stay within a budget gets all of us this time of year so it's important to make sure we make our money go as far as possible. Christmas only comes around once a year so let's make sure we make the most of it!
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Hey it pays dividends, I will thanks and same to you and yours. We are always excited for Christmas since we have lil ones. Talk to you soon.
Gift cards, gift cards, gift cards. I don't know if they quite totaled $300, but I finished my shopping with a bunch of gift cards to be given as stocking stuffers.
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Hey that’s always an easy gift idea, I give them once in a while, but every year billions are lost on gift cards, and the companies are smiling to the bank. People lose them or forget so often. Thanks for the comment JC.
Happy New Year! I have not added up our Christmas spending yet – because I am dreading it. I totally blew the bank and pretty sure we are going to come in at over $ 2,500 (including food, drink, gifts etc.) Painful. I have been accused of being cheap too! Can you believe it?
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That's a big sum but if it was worth it, have no worries. I'm sure your income is very good and can catch up with the cash flow. Christmas is a fun time and things just naturally get out of control. This was the last 300 I spent but I believe I spent about 500 for all gifts.
My recent post The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition