Once you understand that being unconventional in how you handle finances will bring you a sense of freedom, it will all fall into place. I believe there are two sides to personal finance, the consumer mindset, where you feel no control over money, and the unconventional side of finance. Where you direct your money to go places, and feel more at ease. This is where the unconventional wisdom behind early financial independence comes into play.
It takes either a drastic switch of lifestyle to mature into this new mindset, or it can just happen once you realize that spending excessively doesn’t make you happier. Some people feel that unconventional financial management is a deprivation of some sort, or a lacking of having fun. But in reality it is the opposite. Yes I tend to save a lot for the future, but it is done with purpose and that is what makes me happy. Hidden in our lives is a natural state of satisfaction with knowing that freedom is right around the corner.
The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence
Does the ultra-consumer have a sense of freedom from buying stuff? I doubt it, but you can enlighten me with your points and arguments in the debate below. We all need a purpose and or a goal to shoot for or else it is a jumbled up financial mess. Buying the new Star Wars PlayStation 4 when you already have a gaming system is not helping you attain freedom or purpose in life. It just gives you that nice fuzzy feeling of newness that wears off in a few days or weeks.
The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence is meant to give you a kick in the butt if you are not already a naturally inclined FI person. If you are I don’t need to explain why living unconventionally with money will ultimately benefit you.
The wisdom is already talked about in various outlets, and unfortunately for many it is viewed as a negative lifestyle. Just read the comments in various articles of random out of the box personal finance stories featured in Yahoo finance or the NY times. Those comments from certain people are brutal. just because the featured person lives outside of the monetary norm. Even though the majority of people still supposedly only save 5% of their pay with excuses as to why they can’t save more, this unconventional wisdom will 1 day hit them in the head.
Even if you happen to notice a shift with all the FIRE community folks on random blogs, or perhaps your best friend was featured on a TINY house episode because they want to actually be free of the traditional 9-5 job.
The truth is millions can’t grasp what it is to save 50% of income so that they can pursue the unconventional wisdom of early financial independence. Granted we all make excuses but if you really look at priorities we all can and should do better in our money lives.
That unconventional-ness of money behaviors will stretch things budget wise to get you to reach a new level. I am ready for embracing my unconventional wisdom and really get to feel what it feels like to live life on my own terms. Since I’ve been in kindergarten, being told what to do in a structured setting has had an impact, where I now want something different in my life.
Embrace the unconventional wisdom Behind early financial independence and you too will be free. – Rich Uncle EL
For many people they have not been thinking for themselves when it comes to their money, they just follow the herd, do what their mom and dads did. We live in a different world today. Time to start thinking for yourself. Sure FIRE might be unconventional, but do you want to live you life in with stress, debt and work until you are 70?
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Brian it makes sense to the both of us, and we will be free in less time than the average person. Working till 70 is and should always be a thing you desire for yourself and not forced employment to pay for bills. Good luck and thanks.
My recent post The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence
I think most folks can't see a way out of the conformity prison and most blindly follow the herd and have no idea there is anything but the conventional wisdom. Its like being trapped in the 'Matrix'. Anyone can be shown the truth but many will mock and/or just reject the unconventional wisdom to stay on the easy and familiar path. The consumerist/career driven path is all they have ever seen or known.
Those preaching FI can't save them all. I was 40 when I finally thought there has to more than this and started my quest for early retirement. It took another 11 years. So there is always hope for people. Some like myself just didn't see it as early as many do today. Still, I saw it far earlier than most and it has been worth everything it takes to be here.
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Hey Tommy, congrats on achieving FI in such a short time. Do you remember your savings rate during those 11 years? I think the matrix concept is spot on. Thanks for commenting.
My recent post The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence
You are right! Most people can't grasp saving 50% of their income. Maybe you have to be unconventional to build wealth. The conventional path is rarely the best path to financial freedom.
Enjoyed the post!!
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Yeah Beth it is unbelievable for many so that's why they knock on others financial efforts. It takes sacrifice and many just cant handle it. Good luck on your journey and thanks for stopping by.
My recent post The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence
Often individuals need to swim against the tide or take an unconventional route to find success, not only in financial related matters, but in most of life's endeavors.
Yes James I agree in this life nothing is easy, and finding the financially prosperous path is only going to help those that want freedom. IT is a win win in my book, good luck.
My recent post The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence