This post idea came to my mind as I was washing dishes, and I thought of at least 10 things I can buy with dividends. What can you buy with dividends? Well it depends if you actually are in a position to receive them. If you are like some people who believe the government will take all our investments, then you clearly don’t invest in the stock market. What can you buy with dividends is the topic of the hour and I love this topic.
Lets play a little game and think of the possibilities available for the investor who can successfully receive 5 thousand in dividends and doesn’t need the additional income to live off of. Now you can visualize all the fun you can have with an extra 5K annually.
What can you Buy with Dividends
A Vacation to a Caribbean Island of your choice for 2 – 4 people
Ford Stock if you desire to be smart and reinvest dollars – 420 Shares
A Rolex Watch – So you can feel like A Famous Rapper
Max out a Roth IRA – So next year you’ll realize a Net Worth increase
A Samsung HD Curved 4K 60 inch TV – For the Big Game of Course
Apple Inc Stock – 50 Shares – and almost reach Tim Cook status
50 Pairs of Sneakers to complete a massive collection
An Emergency Fund Account and actually use it during Emergencies.
Brand New Dinning Room and Living Room Furniture- oh how much you’ll impress
Down Payment on a 50,000 dollar Condo in an Up and Coming area of Town
You can Prepay a Netflix account for the next 41 Years- Talk about Netflix and Chill
Last but not least, Invest in a Business that will give you additional passive income
So as you can clearly see you can do a lot with 5K of dividends. Now before you get anxious because you want the dividends asap, take your time and invest wisely. If you build it they (dividends) will come. That’s a line from a popular cult movie, but I can’t think of the title right now. (Help me out guys)
Now these are just a few examples, and I know you can come up with a dozen more. If you find it in you, please share below what you would do with the extra 5K of after tax investment income. One caveat you must adhere to, is if the dividends paid to you are from a 401K or IRA then those dividends cannot be used to reinvest outside of the fund. (Not Allowed)
Now did you enjoy the post and are ready to build a steady stream of dividends? If the answer is yes, go to the banner link below and sign up with TradeKing.
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'Field of Dreams' with Kevin Costner. No doubt you can find a lot to do with $5K worth of dividends. Topping my list would be adding to my Machu Picchu fund … the wife and I are traveling with some friends next year.
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Hey James that sounds great, I went to Mexico once an I regret not having enough time to see machu ruins. Oh well I guess I need to start my own fund as well. Best of luck.
That's what's so awesome about DGI! Every dividend is extra income you can use for whatever purpose. It gives so much more flexibility. The maxing out a Roth IRA just clicked for me because our dividends are right at the max level and we're finally able to start investing in our Roth's again. DGI is great isn't it?
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Yes good idea max out that Roth. I am buying as much as possible to get my dividends over 6k this year.