Hello friends today is another money saving opportunity to help you reach your savings goals. We can achieve so much financially if we focus and stop placing limitations on our ability to save more. I have a few pieces of financial information to make you rethink the normal way to save money. The 8 creative ways to save dollars was established especially for you, to conquer any money goals you need to complete in 2016.
8 Creative Ways to Save Dollars
Put your screen saver to show a picture of a twenty dollar bill and every week transfer that amount to savings.
Handle any new money like it’s on fire, and immediately transfer it out of checking into emergency fund or retirement account.
If you have access to a percentage off discounts through an employer, and don’t have any restrictions on reselling items, charge a small fee above the cost and save profits for fun money.
Learn to manipulate cash flow and every time you make a deposit immediately transfer out 10% of it towards another financial goal.
Match what you spent on entertainment for the month and add it to savings. It will help you feel less guilty with your fun spending. One category helps balance the other out. If you have a financial surplus obviously.
Save your vacation money into dividend paying stocks, and with every dividend paid fund your next vacation slowly and you’ll have perpetual vacation reserves.
Add imaginary interest to your savings, just like if you were paying a debt. But instead pay interest to yourself. For example save 200 monthly with a 5% interest charge so you’ll really be saving, 210 per month. Boost those savings Baby!!!
If you have a day off from work, make a trip to the banking institution where you have emergency savings and make a deposit. That little effort on a fun day off will do wonders for your money goals. It should only take up to 20 mins of your time if in close proximity to your home.
These are all the fun things I’ve done in the past to save money aka Mula aka Dough aka Greenbacks. I hope I can help you establish or rebuild a savings account for whatever goal you may need. If you learn to live life without charging daily expenses on credit cards, and live within your income, savings accounts, and other financial sources it will make life that much easier for you.
An emergency fund is made to help you get through those tough patches in life, and if you fail to build one you will constantly be in borrow mode or living on the edge of paycheck to paycheck. Lets stop the bad cycles of life, and use the 8 creative ways to save dollars today to get you on a new path to enjoy a stress free fun life. If you tend to be susceptible to non-beneficial financial behavior then all the best reasons to use these great tactics to allow you some margin in life.
PS – Build 1 goal at a time to really see traction then move on to the next goal.
PS – Check out these crazy ideas how to save money – Bank Rate
All great suggestions. I definitely like, 'match what you spent on entertainment for the month and add it to savings.' Good stuff!
Hey Jc I’m always trying to help people find a new way to save dollars. Thanks for stopping by.
Yes – screensaver, awesome!
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Yes that was a spur of the moment idea. Always getting new ideas on the site to motivate the masses.
I love the save money for vacations in dividend stocks. How sweet would it be to have your dividends pay for your trips every year. Great ideas. Thanks!
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Yes you can do this trick for any expenses in life. Hope dividends never get taken away. Invest today to compound later. Good luck and thanks for commenting.
Brew your own beer, make your own maple syrup. I've done both in the last month. Lots of overlap in process and equipment, fun to do, and in the long run, saves money over buying real maple syrup and $16 six packs of double IPA!
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Good ideas Physician, beer can be pricey, that’s why I don’t buy the pricey 4 packs and find an alternative good tasting 6 pack. Thanks for stopping by. Keep on brewing.
I had the same reaction as jcmolet–I especially like the match entertainment expenses with additional savings. I think I would enjoy the recreation more if I were doing the saving offset. Great idea!
Yes moneycounselor It will also boost your monthly savings percentage amount significantly. None of that average 5% savings figures here.
I agree it is a good trade off and keeps you honest with spending.
One way I have saved a ton of moola lately is leaving my Amazon "wants" in my shopping cart for a few days. More times than not I end up deciding not to purchase.
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That is a good way, I tend to do wish lists, and rarely get the items as well. Thanks for stopping by.
Always pay yourself first – not exactly creative but the best saving advice I ever received. On the creative side – I always try to put "found money" into savings right away. Found money is just that – money that is not part of my regular paycheck – things like rebates, refunds, gifts, things I have sold etc.
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I like the found money idea, and I mentioned aka found money in the second option aka new money. So we both had similar ideas, thank you for sharing.
I run a company, and most of the industrialists like me pay focus on budgeting and cost-cutting besides taking necessary steps to save money, as it helps preventing the risk of financial lurches.
Robin @DontPayFull.com
Fantastic. One simple thing that I did, was create a custom desktop wallpaper for my laptop that reads 'DON'T SPEND MONEY' in big bold letters. It's a broad statement haha however It reminds me to control online shopping impulse buys (Amazon!)