Hey guys do you wake up in the morning and think I will be wasteful today. I hope not and if your like me you will always aim to be as efficient as possible. Like a brand new Prius car eking out the last ounce of gas to get you every last efficient mile during a road trip. Think of your action and movements in life as if your a Prius car, and become an efficiency machine.
Lets dissect the real meaning of efficiency courtesy of good ol’ wikipedia :
Efficiency is the (often measurable) ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste.
Now with this definition in your arsenal why would anyone want to be wasteful, if not for the purpose of being @ss backwards. If you are doing dishes and can do it without wasting water only to rinse the soapy dishes, why would anyone waste the worlds best resource by running the water while scrubbing off the plates? First scrub while water is off, then rinse while running water at a minimal level possible to get the job done. This was a random example, but you get the gist of things and the point is to be effective with choices.
Maybe its just me because I am a natural born saver that I look at efficiency in a different light, but I can’t stand wasting anything. Lets take a moment to really understand how and why to be efficient? To save time, money, resources, supplies and other things that ultimately benefit us. People might do things without realizing the lasting effect of being wasteful. FYI being wasteful will eventually poke its head into many areas of life and may make you disadvantaged without noticing.
Always Aim to Be As Efficient As Possible
People say the little things add it to be big things. Like saving 5 dollars every week adds up to a whooping $260 dollar windfall. So the little inefficiencies can add up to a big time waste, sort of like a land fill, purely because of dumb choices. Do you think the engineers who invented the new LED bulb had inefficiency thoughts in how they created the bulb, that can now last about 20 years. NO. They worked really hard to beat the time usage of CFL bulbs which only last 8 years in comparision. Why can’t we be like those engineers and become efficient in how we think and do things?
Do I correlate being inefficient as being dumb, well maybe to an extent. It all boils down to giving a damn and trying to supersede actions and behaviors. If you think you are efficient enough and don’t really need to improve well your wrong, as we all can find processes, systems, productive tips to excel actions to help us in some way.
How am I being efficient?
I don’t waste things, I find effective solutions to situations, I automatically invest, I look for deals, I negotiate, I try to use my resources and skills to optimize. I care for the earth and it’s resources, I recycle, I love gardens and just planted my first one. I look for opportunities, I drive gas conscious to sort of hypermile, I teach others what I know to help people around me, I read blogs and implement new actions when it’s needed, I give back with time and money.
I read a quote today and it said something to this effect, why make the same mistakes other people made in the past if you can learn from them today. If you can learn from others past inefficient ways, then it will leap you forward to really outdo your past results.
Be a better you!
Make smarter Choices!
Efficiency Matters and it can lead into other areas of life – Rich Uncle EL
Additional Resources on how to be Efficient:
I aim for being more efficient by trying to concentrate my time on doing things that I enjoy or bring a benefit to my life. While it isn't always possible, if I make that a focus when I evaluate different actions, I normally end up doing things that add more to my life.
Yes that is a great message for life. I am all for being the best version of yourself.
Lights, lights and more lights. When I was growing up, my father was always quick to remind us to turn off the lights when we left a room. I find that without even thinking about it, I still turn off lights the minute I leave a room.
My recent post Adaptive Asset Allocation – A SavvyReview
Yes us too and it was a great lesson, conserve energy at all costs. With limited cash flow, many people have no other choices.
I always make sure to turn off the lights, turn off the water when brushing my teeth, and minimize the amount of time I have the air on. Unfortunately living with roommates makes some of these hard but I do my job! I am still in college but once I begin work in November I want to automate my bills and savings.
My recent post Pleasing Social Media Can Be Expensive!
Yes it’s good you’re realizing how to be efficient. Some things are out of our control, but the things we can control is how we improve. Good luck and thank you.