So lately I keep hearing the term I need to find more time in random conversations, and I must admit I believe I’ve used the phrase on occasion as well. But I will say it is a bit of excuse to use that expression, as we all can realize as much time as we want. The secret to finding time in today’s world is literally to just take it. If you focus on the time you have to get things done and not waste it, you will always have time. The thing with time many people can’t grasp is, that a simple choice makes all the difference.
By assuming action and not procrastinating you will realize that time is there for the taking. Time is a virtue for anyone who is virtuous enough to say, “I can make time”. I know some of you are tired of the philosophical twist to this post, and want me to get to the point. OK the point is, finding time in today’s world is an excuse we can and should not use, because time is now and we have plenty of it.
Finding Time in Today’s World
I heard somewhere that time is the second most important element to money and investing. I believe it, because when you have time on your hands aka you invested a long time ago, the magic happens to your savings and investments. Balances go up all by themselves thanks to compounding. The amount you need to save in the future dwindles as those very same balances continue to rise. The income you have today, can be magically attained in the future the earlier you begin replacing it by investing. Also finding time to grow passive income will not only buy you more time later, it may possibly set you and your loved ones up forever. But what is the deciding factor of time, money, investing, and compounding? It is the choice to take the time right now and make the click of a mouse to transfer money towards investing.
Money will never allow you control unless you control where it’s going – Rich Uncle EL
When you don’t have time on your hands aka you never invested or cared to, then guess what time is against you. Now you are forced to playing catch up and possibly have anxious feelings of not having enough dollars towards retirement. In addition to not having sufficient monthly cash flow to make up the difference with investing, from what it would have been if you just started 20 years earlier.
All of this is an unfortunate synopsis of just realizing the best time to take care of time was yesterday. Did you understand that, if not please read it again. The opportunity cost of time is unbelievably real and something that is not necessarily felt until it’s too late. If you don’t believe me go to a nursing home and ask a few folks, what are a few common regrets they have, to see what kind of answers you will get?
I believe you might hear:
Not saving enough
Not starting early with savings
Not living life to the fullest
Not loving your loved ones
Making mistakes and having regrets with time are all going to be mentioned, so let’s begin to get smart with time.
Many people have heard the phrase time is money on numerous publications, but will you use money today to buy time tomorrow. If you do then you understand the basics of time and financial management.
I've had to learn to just stop when I feel overwhelmed. Like you said, I take the time because otherwise it won't happen. And the more overwhelmed I feel, the less productive I become. By just stopping and resting, I come back refreshed. It also helps to have realistic goals for the number of things you try to do. It builds in free time and keeps you from getting swamped — while still giving you the feeling of accomplishment.
Hello Seattlegirl, we all should appreciate any free rest we can find. Time management is a very important thing we all need to be good at and we will have productive days for sure.
Time is the one thing you can't get back.I take the time for things that are important to me, like my family.
My recent post The Road to Financial Wellness
Yes Brian it is very important to spend time with family. That’s 1 of the things I can’t fathom when I hear workaholic people say they don’t have time. I guess the priority is not on what’s really important.
I definitely agree that time is money and if you can find efficient ways to utilize your time and also have the luxuries of spending time with your loved ones, then you are in a sweet spot in your live.
Im not quite there yet but I will be soon enough once I can finally quit my dreaded day job. 🙂
My recent post Top Lessons Learned After One Year Of Blogging + Yearly Blog Income Report
Yes we all can find the time for what is a priority, but a fine balance is needed to make money.