Hey do you desire freedom? Is it tugging at you as you slave away for 40 hours a week sitting at a cubicle? We should all be striving to reach freedom in any way possible. No job ever truly has your back, because they want you plugged in and locked down with golden hand cuffs for eternity. How long is a long time, 40 years is the average amount of time people end up working. Add up the school years and it balloons to 60 years. Now if those stats don’t motivate you to complete the 6 steps of freedom then I do not know what will.
Imagine a time where the alarm clock doesn’t go off and you can now enjoy 3 day weekends. The boss will be very jealous of you when you hand in your resignation letter because said boss wants freedom too.(Boss just doesn’t disclose the desire all to protect the company’s bottom line)
I have 3 weeks of vacation time and with 52 weeks in the year, it is not enough to allow me a 3 day weekend every week. So I must pursue freedom because of this fact and because I just don’t like people telling me what to do. I place a higher value on family and a more favorable life / work balance.
The 6 Steps to Freedom
1 Save enough for 1-3 months of emergency funds and avoid living paycheck to paycheck
2 Contribute to 401K to get the match
3 Pay back all interest loans and get back lost cash flow – While Avoiding Debt
4 Max out 401K and IRA’s, when debt free
5 Build a big freedom fund with passive income; if not able to, try to find new passive income sources
6 Have fun with the money in any way you see fit, but attempt to give back to stay humble and modest, live within means.
Every time I have a free moment, I usually think about how I can achieve freedom. Have you can taken a moment to analyze the big picture of life? We are born, learn to walk, learn to speak, head off for 18 years of school, and then 40 years of work. Now what kind of life is that, when you are always plugged into a system. Which doesn’t allow you take a month off or you might appear like an outcast. Granted you have good moments along the way, like you’re first kiss or the first bonus you get. But don’t let time pass or else freedom might only come at the good ol age of 65.
I believe if we all start early by saving, buying assets, or building skills to help you go solo it will give you a head start with freedom. In our 20s we are young and naive to believe saving early will not do anything for us. But if starting at 18 to save will give you freedom by 45. That is a solid time frame to bring freedom to realization. You can do so much with 45 year old legs compared to 65 year old legs. For example hiking without getting shortness of breath.
All really good steps. I like how you mentioned the normal thinking is that we go to school until we turn 18 & work for the next 40 years.
We are told every move we need to make & constantly being in debt is a fact of life that forces us to work that long. By encouraging the 6 steps, more people could break the employment mold & do so much more besides working just to work.