Why People Spend Out of Control


Why people spend out of control
Pick up the Phone I have a message for You – Control Spending to Build Wealth

We all like to judge the football players who make a ton of money but then go bankrupt within 5 years after playing football. How about the lottery winners who go insane and crazy, buying all sorts of stuff to please their deprived hearts. But what is the root problem behind their personal finance choices? Why are they and the average person so bad managing money? Well I have a theory aka as I witnessed a few while experiencing some and now I can talk about why people spend out of control.


I have gotten a few windfalls in my lifetime, which includes bonus dollars from past employers and a small work related settlement. Now the amount I received is nowhere near the millions of dollars I hear athletes make, but for argument sake it’s all relative. My spending level broken down by a percentage might be equal to theirs, give or take a few zeros at the end of the big fat check.

Why people spend out of control? See below for the 6 reasons I found plague most people with spending excessively. (Be open to reading the facts affecting most people because it can hopefully help folks with money, many people will shy away and only publish happy go lucky posts. I feel differently on this matter and I know this is real truthful writing that can change behaviors.)

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The 10 Secrets to Build Wealth

The 10 secrets to build wealth
Cool Antique cash register used to build wealth in the past.

The Roadmap to Building Wealth

Have you ever asked what is the secret to attaining wealth? Well even though I have not reached the status of ultimate riches like Warren Buffett, I now understand how someone can achieve wealth. The 10 secrets to build wealth are golden facts we all should know. Because of these 10 steps I am on the right path and building my wealth every year. I will discuss with you today a few phrases, which embody the secret to wealth building and how that relates from my experiences with personal finance.

They say knowledge is a tool we all can use to reach any status in life and to me financial knowledge can lead to real wealth. Not the fake wealth people are parading in this life, with debt up to their eyeballs, giving off financial fallacies with every thing they own bought on payments. These secrets are simple things we all can do in life, and if you do them consistently I believe you will improve financially. If you follow them to the tee, this can lead to great riches.

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The Truth behind Multi-Level Marketing

The truth behind Multi-level Marketing

Hey guys I wanted to discuss some things with you today about multi-level marketing. The truth behind multi-level marketing is primarily a sales driven opportunity, so if you do not have the gift of the gab success in this business model will be difficult. I have witnessed this type of business since the late 80’s because my mother was a Mary Kay Representative. I saw her do meetings in our home; I noticed a ton of product that she purchased to sell to others. She reached a small level of success within Mary Kay, and it was a great step for her growth process. After a few years her desire started to dwindle, and she was left with the entire inventory of unsold product. Due to inexperience with accounting and a lack of recordkeeping my mother never really knew if her revenue exceeded her expenses. Mary Kay is still around today and their competitor as well the popular company called Avon.  Now the new MLM trend to hit the U.S. is Utility companies looking to take a grapple hold on this business model.

I once ventured into MLM through a company called Mona Vie; they sell juice as a business model. I began my journey in this business for $300 dollars upfront costs for an entry level distributor. A family member introduced me to this fabulous experience. They also sell a monthly juice plan that ranges from 1 to an unlimited amount of bottles billed per month. I failed at this business because I never wanted to be a seller and I never will. My family member and everyone involved that I knew personally through the business also did not succeed with this company. I guess I do not like the awkward situations that selling places people in on both sides of the equation. The morale of the story is the people who benefitted from Mona Vie is and will always be the high level executives at the top of the food chain.

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The Last Hundred Dollars

The last hundred dollars
Hundred Dollar Bill

A new series is born today, with the premise that now I will let you in to see what were the last things that I spent a hundred dollars on. Imagine if you had only a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on? The last hundred is a way to lighten up the financial blogosphere with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of boring spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. Also part of me is still hesitant to fully reveal my financial numbers in all its lowly glory. What will this accomplish, maybe nothing. But it sure is exciting to see what people spend money on, don’t you think.

The summer is about two months away and I am getting prepared for it with some new apparel. See below for the last hundred dollars.

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How Greed can take over?

How Greed can take over
Giving and Sharing can keep greed at bay.

Many people unknowingly have allowed greed to creep up in their lives. I have seen it and it is unfortunate that the people cannot see it in their own situations. I am not trying to make others feel bad about how they live life, but money has a way to change others not for the good. I understand that people never realize how their actions can easily lead to greed, but they can’t see it from an inner perspective. They feel they are living life the right way and if you argue with them, they will defend their position. I want you to think; How Greed can take over?

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Rich Uncle EL Random Facts 4

Rich Uncle EL Random Facts 4
Random Facts for your enjoyment.

Hello Friends it’s that time again to get a little personal with some random fun facts about yours truly.  I did a throwback post- Here last year and I want to do this at least 2 – 3 times a year. I want to break up the seriousness of money management with all the trials and tribulations about that topic.  What better way to switch it up than to get a little personal with you guys, sort of like an online journal I am keeping for myself.

One day I can go back and read how awesome I was to make a record of all the random facts I am sharing. We as humans tend to forget almost everything, so why not reminisce a little from time to time. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

I think this will be a good post because anything with the number 4 is good luck I have heard. Hey readers and bloggers have you shared a recent random fact with anybody today? Be brave and open up, it just might help you in a weird way.

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The Best Excuses Why People are in Debt


THe Best why people are in debt excuses
Do not let Excuses get the best of you.

How many excuses have you heard regarding the ability of people to get out of debt? I will feature here The Best Excuses Why people are in Debt. I believe those excuses are a way for individuals to place a barrier around not confronting the person in the mirror, and ultimately how that debt should be eliminated.  I have read some of these and I have heard people actually say these to me. Now the people that said it to me, instead of giving excuses, did it ever occur to you that its easier to just asked for help with the debt.

The thing is I feel that they are not ready for the financial help. It takes hard truths and real struggle for people to change. Plus people might feel ashamed to disclose their entire financial disaster, and finally what they really owe. If you find the right mentor, they can steer you in the right direction how to tackle the debt monster. I feel their are so many methods, but the two most widely used methods that come to mind are the Debt snowball and the Debt avalanche. See Below for The Best excuses why people are in Debt.

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