Hey my financial friends, if somebody walked up to you and asked you, How much you saved for retirement? Would you answer the question honestly or would you dodge the question? The way you answer might shed light on how confident you are with achieving that magical retirement number everybody talks about in the media. I can bet some greenbacks that the people who answer honestly and without hesitation have all their finances in order, plus they might even know the exact number they have saved to the penny. On the flip side the people who have no idea how much they have in retirement, might not be saving enough thus might feel scared that they will never be able to reach that perfect retirement relaxing on an island beach house.
This is obviously an assumption but you get the idea behind how certain subliminal feelings might come to the surface when asked a personal finance question that might be too personal for some people. I totally understand how this might shock some folks to become guarded, but for the most part talking about money should not be so secretive. The one awesome behavior I have witnessed when I speak with others about money is that talking about it, triggers something within them and then they take greater notice to step it up with finances. This hopefully will lead to them being more competitive with how they manage money for the future. In addition to this it can open up great ideas or discussions with how to make more money. If the person is open mined enough to begin the money dialogue.