How Does Social Trading Affect Your Portfolio?

How Does Social Trading Affect Your Portfolio?

Social trading is one of the best things to happen to an investor. This growing trend combines the aspects of social media with that of a broker, making it much easier to buy, sell and trade. Using social trading, binary options can be an easy way for new investors to get started since it allows people to engage in an active community, rather than having to research on their own. Social trading can also help seasoned investors perfect their skills learn more about the market and eventually make more money.

Learn from the Best Investors
One of the biggest advantages to socially trading is transparency. Users can easily see what their more successful peers are doing and choose to copy their actions. This allows beginners to learn quickly from some of the best investors, rather than struggle to figure out which companies to invest in on their own.

Different Platforms, Different Features
Much like social media, there are a wide range of networks aimed at investors. Each on has its own advantages and disadvantages, so there is no perfect platform. The benefit of having so many choices is that it makes it easier for investors to find something that works for them and suits their needs. Most of the platforms available will offer one of these features:

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3 Ways to Save on Taxes You Might Not Have Thought of Yet

3 Ways to Save on Taxes You Might Not Have Thought of Yet
3 Ways to Save on Taxes You Might Not Have Thought of Yet

We’re a few weeks into the New Year, and that can only mean one thing: Tax time is here. As tax forms start filling the mailbox, you’re probably thinking about how you can reduce your tax bill this year while still getting a leg up on next year’s bill. While ideally you would have thought about your taxes before the end of 2015 so you could make decisions then that would lower your tax burden, there are a few things you can do now to lessen the sting of writing that check to Uncle Sam — and we aren’t talking about random deductions that may or may not be allowable by the IRS.

As always, talk with a professional tax advisor before trying any of these techniques.

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How to Trade Forex like a Professional

How to Trade Forex like a Professional
How to Trade Forex like a Professional

The forex markets are volatile, tempestuous, and complex, yet many would-be traders are drawn to them thanks to the extensive opportunities that they offer. For those who take the time to learn their art and master its intricacies, trading can be incredibly profitable and highly exciting, and its accessibility only adds to its allure.

However, mastering the forex markets is no easy task. The jargon and tactics that are fundamental to the foreign exchange often take time and a great deal of focus to wrap your head around, and adopting the right strategy is essential. Still, most will find themselves capable of prospering if they’re willing to devote the necessary toil and effort to completing their endeavour.

So, if you’re looking for some tips to help you get started, then here are three straight from the professionals…

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What Can you Buy with Dividends

What Can you Buy with Dividends
What Can you Buy with Dividends?

This post idea came to my mind as I was washing dishes, and I thought of at least 10 things I can buy with dividends. What can you buy with dividends? Well it depends if you actually are in a position to receive them. If you are like some people who believe the government will take all our investments, then you clearly don’t invest in the stock market. What can you buy with dividends is the topic of the hour and I love this topic.

Lets play a little game and think of the possibilities available for the investor who can successfully receive 5 thousand in dividends and doesn’t need the additional income to live off of. Now you can visualize all the fun you can have with an extra 5K annually.

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MLK Day and Contentment

MLK day and contentment

As I think back when I was a young boy all the memories come back at random occasions, and a flashback is replaying itself in real time. Have you ever had one of these moments when you look back as if you had a Delorean that actually went back in time. The memories are the only thing we really need to recreate the past. On this special day we celebrate Martin Luther King Day and how content we all should really be. Could we improve every year of course, but at times let’s appreciate the present and how far we’ve come. Today is MLK day and contentment is something not spoken about often enough.

Every year I think about my dreams and how as a kid on this special day we were told stories about a man who wanted more for our society regarding equality. The we have a dream speech was replayed every year since I can remember and it has evolved every year. We all can and should do more to uplift one another in a positive way. Also we need more realistic communications about how to live life in a financially responsible manner. This is a personal finance site so I will now steer the topic back to finances and to make the final point.

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Milestones Realized in 2015

Milestones Realized in 2015
Do You Have Milestones Realized in 2015

Its that time of the year to display some cool milestones. Achieving goals is always a good way to turn on the happy mood setting in life. We all tend to achieve things and whether they may be big or small its important to keep track of them. By doing this we all can try to supersede the goals in the coming year. I  am content about my milestones realized in 2015, but I know I can do more.

How will I improve in 2016? Its simple by taking as much action as possible towards any and all goals. It is imperative to stop over procrastinating in life. If you want to get something done focus on it and do not get distracted until you complete it.

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The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition


The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition
The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition

Hello Readers we are doing another rendition of the the last hundred dollars I’ve spent recently, but this time it will be a Christmas edition. We are upping the amount to $300 dollars because $100 is just to small of an amount for Christmas. Imagine if you only had a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on? Granted if you were down to the last hundo, I bet you will save some of it for food or maybe all of it lol. We gots to eat to live! The Last 300 Hundred Dollars Christmas Edition has been a fun ride. that I’m happy to share with all of you.

The last 300 hundred dollars Christmas edition is a way to lighten up the financial blog space with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. As of right now I still don’t feel 100% showing you guys all my pennies and cents, but with these posts you get a sneak peak at some random expenses. See below for the fun.

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The Unconventional Wisdom Behind Early Financial Independence

The Unconventional Wisdom behind early financial independence

Once you understand that being unconventional in how you handle finances will bring you a sense of freedom, it will all fall into place. I believe there are two sides to personal finance, the consumer mindset, where you feel no control over money, and the unconventional side of finance. Where you direct your money to go places, and feel more at ease. This is where the unconventional wisdom behind early financial independence comes into play.

It takes either a drastic switch of lifestyle to mature into this new mindset, or it can just happen once you realize that spending excessively doesn’t make you happier. Some people feel that unconventional financial management is a deprivation of some sort, or a lacking of having fun. But in reality it is the opposite. Yes I tend to save a lot for the future, but it is done with purpose and that is what makes me happy. Hidden in our lives is a natural state of satisfaction with knowing that freedom is right around the corner.

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