Hey guys today we will discuss how banks make money off your money? In addition to that we will discuss where is the best place to park those funds. The big banks are a multi- billion dollar business and are basically too big to fail as the government has labeled them as such. Obviously you want flexibility with how you manage money so we all should consider what that means in our lives.
But if that flexibility is staying with a bank that charges you $12 dollars a month in checking account fees, maybe that is not the best route for your hard earned dollars. There are many options in the banking industry to stash your cash, for example, Big to fail banks, Credit Unions, Online Banks, and Brokerage Companies. These are the most widely used options where people maintain their money in a flexible liquid account.
Now that you understand the choices behind where you can place your money, would you care if Bank of America made $300 dollars a year off your money or if a credit union made $150 dollars a year off your money? I guess you might be thinking that it all depends if any of the money is coming from your pocket or from the imaginary money tree inside the bank? Well I hope to inform you today with the details behind how these banks operate, and then you can make a decision. See below for the 5 levels on how banks make money off your money.