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Before the age of the Internet, many of the statistics that were involved in calculating the true price of a mortgage were beyond the reach of the average person. With online mortgage calculators, however, these calculations can be done quite easily by someone who simply takes the time to perform them. These calculations can prove indispensable when it comes to negotiating the best price with real estate professionals.
Below are just a few of the ways in which you can make a mortgage calculator work on your behalf.
Hey Friends, did you know that Candy Crush is Taking over people’s minds every day by the minute? That little app has blown up to the tune of millions and millions of users, happily plugging in hours a week playing a useless game. I will show you in the post below how Candy Crush makes you poor in various ways. This game can not only drain you fiscally, but can damage you to the point you feel poorish in other areas of your life.
Granted this game craze is not a new phenomenon, do you remember the Tetris and Bejeweled addiction? Well Candy Crush is along the same line and premise behind those two games. Here is the difference that all of you will be stunned to know, Candy Crush executives are raking in 690,000 thousand dollars a day from its users. Say What! Tetris and Bejeweled never made that kind of money; boy technology has benefitted the app developers hasn’t it. It boggles me to wonder how much time is being wasted in the millions of households playing this game.
The holiday season is amongst us and we all are feeling the joy. Every year at this time when people are giving blessings and welcoming Thanksgiving, the retail companies begin their marketing tactics to make you spend early and often. Why must we correlate the holidays with spending more than we have to, during Christmas? I see it all the time in the commercials, as kids get a big smile while receiving the latest and greatest toys. Those toys might be a must buy this year and you might be the super duper mom / dad who will get it for little Johnny.
But to enlighten you that toy will 75% of the time get pushed aside to collect dust a week after Christmas. So I ask you to begin this holiday season with a new mentality and question is your purchase really something that will be appreciated and will it add value to your kids life? If not I think you should just forgo the nonsense materialism. If you need an alternative present why not buy your kids a skill building lesson. (Dance, Sport, Instruments, Language Lessons)
Hey friends can you find $50 dollars from your budget to help you in a big way? Well if the answer is yes then you should continue reading as I will give a few ideas on how to invest that money every three months for your benefit. Before we proceed I have to set some guidelines for all the readers of this blog. What are the guidelines you may be thinking right now? This advice is for people who 1. Do not have any non-mortgage debt, 2. Already have an emergency fund totaling at least 4 months of living expenses, 3. You will maintain a long term investing strategy with the investing dollars. If you qualify after reading these 3 guidelines then you can proceed reading, if not this post is not for you. Completing the two goals above and thinking with a long term mentality will benefit you more than investing right now.
Did you know that making side money can help you achieve money goals faster? I believe anybody can do it on a part time basis. Do you have some debt that you detest? Do you want to save up for a home down payment? Do you want to finally establish a business? The side money you can possibly make will help you attain the things you want if your cash flow is not sufficient enough. What are some of the things you can do to build up the savings? Well jobs are available if you are willing to serve others.
I know some of you are already fed up with working 40 hours a week and cannot even think it will be possible to fit in another 15-20 hours for a side money work. But I have done it in the past and I do not mind doing it again in the future. I try to find jobs that fit in with my personality and schedule. The pay does not have to be substantial, but it definitely is a factor that you must predetermine before you begin applying and accepting offers. I will offer you a few examples further in the post as to give you some ideas how to make side money. These side jobs should only be considered if you do not have over time opportunities in your day job or if you desire to do something different.
Hey guys today we will discuss how banks make money off your money? In addition to that we will discuss where is the best place to park those funds. The big banks are a multi- billion dollar business and are basically too big to fail as the government has labeled them as such. Obviously you want flexibility with how you manage money so we all should consider what that means in our lives.
But if that flexibility is staying with a bank that charges you $12 dollars a month in checking account fees, maybe that is not the best route for your hard earned dollars. There are many options in the banking industry to stash your cash, for example, Big to fail banks, Credit Unions, Online Banks, and Brokerage Companies. These are the most widely used options where people maintain their money in a flexible liquid account.
Now that you understand the choices behind where you can place your money, would you care if Bank of America made $300 dollars a year off your money or if a credit union made $150 dollars a year off your money? I guess you might be thinking that it all depends if any of the money is coming from your pocket or from the imaginary money tree inside the bank? Well I hope to inform you today with the details behind how these banks operate, and then you can make a decision. See below for the 5 levels on how banks make money off your money.
Behaviors give us the reasons why we succeed or fail.
One of the basic foundations behind getting your personal finances in order, which many people need to look at a bit differently, is behaviors. The basic misunderstanding that many who are struggling with money issues, is that they focus on the money as the problem, but in reality it is the behaviors. When we have routines that complement positive actions around how we handle money it sparks a change within us that correlates back towards money. Whether you struggle with keeping expenses down or a habit of saving a specific amount every month, it all boils down to what you do every day.
By realizing your actions and faults you have taken the first step towards accepting the bad behaviors ruining your life. The next step in this process is to begin with 1 positive money behavior and consistently perform it for at least 45 days. It could take a lot of effort, but without effort you will never see gains with personal finance. Money management is only tricky when you are in denial of your abilities behind controlling the old mighty reflection in the mirror. Granted it might not seem all that difficult to say no to yourself, but after 5 days attempting to change a bad behavior people tend to break down and revert back to bad habits. Money101 is based on a class that teaches you that choices in the right direction will always be the beneficial way to live a stress free money life.
Hey guys it’s me again giving you a few tips to help you stretch your dollar a bit further. I want your cash flow to go a long way and possibly reach the next month so that you can invest it or pay extra on debt. So if you like saving $$ on groceries and you have a Costco membership well you must pay attention to this post as you will most likely save with smart purchases. One thing I am good at is when I have to go to Costco, I tell myself to not deviate from the list of things I need to buy. If my list is small I remember them mentally, but if it is more than 10 items then I write them down and stick to them with conviction.
The number reason these warehouse clubs make money is from people making spontaneous purchases on high margin items that are not in the food category. So try to be the same way when you are trying to reach a new level of efficiency with your cash flow.
The products that you will save money by buying at Costco are normal food/ drink items for the house hold. Just pick and choose the things that pertain to your life. Obviously Costco has thousands of other products that can possibly save you money like LCD TV’s and computers, but for this post we will concentrate on grocery items only.