Over Consuming Usually Leads to Financial Failure

Over Consuming Usually Leads to Financial Failure
If you Eat up all your Cash Flow by over-consuming, you will not move forward with Finances.


Let’s discuss a major problem that is taking residence everywhere in the US. Over consuming in general is a problem for millions of people and these people actually think that no real issue exists with the behavor. When you take money, primarily income and you use all of it by spending it on consumables, you fail to use it towards imperative financial goals.Thus you might be headed down the wrong path because over consuming usually leads to Financial Failure.

The little squirrel in the picture is actually showing you an example of what happens in today’s modern day spendthrift society, we earn, we spend, and then we spend some more. If all your income is headed towards, living expenses, food, transportation, stuff, services, utilities, gifts, and more things something is fundamentally off. As you are a very astute person to see, that several important categories are missing to complete the big picture in a simple budget, and they are Saving, investing, and Donating. The trick is never ever remove saving or investing from an efficiently established personal finance budget.

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Always Aim to Be As Efficient As Possible

Always Aim to Be As Efficient As Possible
Always Aim to Be As Efficient As Possible

Hey guys do you wake up in the morning and think I will be wasteful today. I hope not and if your like me you will always aim to be as efficient as possible. Like a brand new Prius car eking out the last ounce of gas to get you every last efficient mile during a road trip. Think of your action and movements in life as if your a Prius car, and become an efficiency machine.

Lets dissect the real meaning of efficiency courtesy of good ol’ wikipedia :

Efficiency is the (often measurable) ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste.

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What is your Personal Finance Attitude?

What is your Personal Finance Attitude?
What is your Personal Finance Attitude?

Many times I sit and think about how attitude can be a deciding factor in how life turns out. If your attitude is steered towards a particular view point, it can either be a winning or losing battle for you. So knowing what is the right attitude to have towards money can once again be the answer your looking for. What is your Personal Finance Attitude? If you ask this of yourself from time to time it will trigger something within you to find where you stand.

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The Solution to Money Problems is Solved by Not Spending

The solution to money problems is solved by not spending
The Solution to Money Problems is solved by not Spending

What’s going all you great readers today we have a post that is going to challenge some of you and possibly motivate others to do a spend freeze, so strap on for the fun ride. The secret thats not really a secret in the personal finance world, is how much money is wasted from spending excessively by people who appear to be in control of their money. In reality they are far from controlling those elusive dollars, who appear to slip down the imaginary financial black hole. The solution to money problems is solved by not spending.

If you can control and manage the consumption of things, services, foods, resources, whatever it may be, you can become stress free with life’s finances. The concept is really not that hard, and closing up the purses and wallets might be a wonderful solution for many who currently experience money issues.

The real question I wanted an answer for today by writing this post, is to find out how much do we as Americans spend per day and what day of the week is the most spend thrift day? After finding the info I wanted to share it with all of you so you can compare and contrast dollar amounts.

The Data was found and It is hint, hint – Saturday as the most costly day for non necessities at – $76 dollars per person * Last Saturday I spent less than this amount for non necessities and that makes me content.

The Data about total consumer spending is a bit harder to find, but one website said that is around $94 Dollars is the average total per day. My average per day is less than this because I go on various spending freezes.

I came across this cool Time article that gives us a real time info graphic of how much is spent in America per second and after 100 seconds,it showed the unabashed way we spend millions per second. After seeing the figures below, Do you still think Amazon doesn’t make a profit? (I doubt it)

Every 100 Seconds we Spend – $900,000 Online – $9,200,000 Off Line = around $10 Million Dollars

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The Best Synergy Tactics

the best synergy tactics
The Best Synergy Tactics

The synergies I use in my life can make anyone feel like they are the smartest person in the world. It will appear as if you’re a multitasking freak, who actually invented the word productivity because you’re so efficient. Now you may be wondering what the heck am I talking about? If you use synergies in life I believe it will make things easier for you in general. The reason I use the best synergy tactics is because I want to save time, feel productive, and get sh!t done off my long checklist.

Strategic synergies are very fulfilling to me, and if done daily it will supercharge your day towards getting tasks completed. I enjoy it when things get done and I am able to check off a goal.

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Does Money Trump Looks

Does money trump looks

I’ve seen thousands of examples of money being placed above looks in this society. Which leads me to wonder does money trump looks when seeking a mate? This is a financial blog, so I will give my two cents when it comes to this subject and the pessimist in me has me thinking that money has a greater weighting than looks now a days.

But what is a person to do if they want to date consistently, and they have no money and are lacking in the attractiveness department? I don’t have the answer, but I can help you fix one of the two problems, if you consistently read this blog. Having money will help you land more dates because money can make you look sexier for some strange reason. (Mind you I don’t know if the people money attracts is actually good for you in the end)

How about personality traits? Do you prefer that above looks or above money? I think personality plays a part in the discussion but it happens after people get over the first impressions of looks and after the financial issues as well. Because personality has more weighting for long term relationship success. But let’s focus on the money or attractiveness character traits for the purpose of this blog post.

When speaking to some folks about this topic, most agree that first there has to be at a minimum some attraction, and then money is an overwhelming deciding factor if a second or third date will take place. Then many factors including money life, values, personality, etc. must be aligned if they will eventually get into the longer term relationship status.

Random feedback by Interviewees on Does Money Trump Looks:

I think it’s because women have gotten burned by men with looks before and money is a big reason for a lot of arguments so now when looking they ask about the job or financial status first.

Women choose or look for financial security and if the other person has some attractive features it will lead to more dates.

Men choose looks first, and then decide later if they will pursue relationship, and financial status of mate is a factor in that decision making process.

People for the most part want free things, and are willing to give up on the attractiveness in order to have a lifestyle that comes with free things and experiences.

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Making the Best of Finances


making the Best of Finances
This is 1 simple way to Excel with Finances

Is your day filled with greatness, mediocrity, or below average actions? I feel we all need to take advantage of all of life’s opportunities including making the best of finances. People might be questioning this, and ask how am I winning with finances? Some might be killing it saving over 50K in income annually, while others might be embarrassed to say they don’t save 1 dollar per year. How can you be content with your financial picture today, and still have the ability to save some dollars away for tomorrow?

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Money Talk


Money Talk
Lets have more Money Talk in our Lives

What if we all talked more about money on a daily basis? Is it truly that awful to discuss money or is it another underlining reason people shy away from it. I can clearly say I don’t know the answer, but it is a way of life here in the U.S. to avoid awkward money talks especially around people’s personal monetary status.

Well I want to provide you with some simple, easy to discuss money talk topics and I hope you can get some value out of it. The topics today will all be random little tidbits to get you to talk more about finances.

Imagine a world where a husband and wife could sit down weekly to talk freely about money and not have fun arguments.

How about if the basics behind money management is implemented into the US school system as mandatory curriculum for all kids before graduating High School. Imagine the impact this could have on future generations. It could possibly bring about the collapse of pay day lenders, and other predatory loan facilities.

Let’s dream for a second if 2 times a year families with older kids sat down at the dinner table to devise a plan to increase income and or investing for the entire family.

Think of big picture planning like the Johnson & Johnson family does as televised in the film “The 1 Percent”. They are forced to sit down to discuss strategies by the financial advisors, and the heads of the Johnson family trust. Why can’t we all have our own meetings on a small scale?

If you feel overwhelmed to discuss things, just find someone to help you smooth out any anxiety or issues you may have around money and that is not trying to sell you something. Believe me they exist and they will teach you first and foremost just like a good mentor.

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