Many people unknowingly have allowed greed to creep up in their lives. I have seen it and it is unfortunate that the people cannot see it in their own situations. I am not trying to make others feel bad about how they live life, but money has a way to change others not for the good. I understand that people never realize how their actions can easily lead to greed, but they can’t see it from an inner perspective. They feel they are living life the right way and if you argue with them, they will defend their position. I want you to think; How Greed can take over?
How many excuses have you heard regarding the ability of people to get out of debt? I will feature here The Best Excuses Why people are in Debt. I believe those excuses are a way for individuals to place a barrier around not confronting the person in the mirror, and ultimately how that debt should be eliminated. I have read some of these and I have heard people actually say these to me. Now the people that said it to me, instead of giving excuses, did it ever occur to you that its easier to just asked for help with the debt.
The thing is I feel that they are not ready for the financial help. It takes hard truths and real struggle for people to change. Plus people might feel ashamed to disclose their entire financial disaster, and finally what they really owe. If you find the right mentor, they can steer you in the right direction how to tackle the debt monster. I feel their are so many methods, but the two most widely used methods that come to mind are the Debt snowball and the Debt avalanche. See Below for The Best excuses why people are in Debt.
The daily coffee addiction might seem like a small price to pay for being alert at work. That rush you feel is not a trick, it actually wakes people up. Before you drive up to your local Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, think about what’s your coffee really costing you over your lifetime. I believe we all should drink coffee from wherever we prefer, even if it will cost you $4 dollars a cup. Obviously your money is for you to spend, but I want to give you some details as to the real cost behind this daily morning ritual.
The average person has two cups of coffee per day and if you multiply that by the entire 243 million 18 and over adult population, then you get a staggering 486 million cups of coffee per day. If everybody in the US went to Starbucks for their daily fix, it would be the most profitable company in the US. Now let’s discuss the facts. I will show you if you brew your cup of coffee at home and invest the difference in expenses how much you can save. In addition to the savings how much your savings will grow over a 30 year time frame invested in a US stock mutual fund?
A new series is born today, with the premise that I now will let you in to see what were the things that I spent the last hundred dollars on. Imagine if you had only a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on? The last hundred dollars is a way to lighten up the financial blogosphere with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of boring spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. Also part of me is still hesitant to fully reveal my financial numbers in all its lowly glory. What will this accomplish, maybe nothing. But it sure is exciting to see what people spend money on, don’t you think.
This obviously will not be a 1000 word post, explaining what a Venn diagram is and how that will benefit your probable retirement. No it’s basically just a list of all the items I recently purchased that sum up to the last hundred dollars. By the way have you seen the new $100 dollar bill, it looks futuristic in every way possible. At first I thought what an un-American thing to do with all those annoying colors schemes. The dollar should forever be remembered as classic green. But then it dawned on me we are trying to out-fancy the Euro currency with some style and fashion sprucing. Now let’s jump into what crazy items add up to a big ben franklin.
I see it everyday people rushing everywhere and all you really see is the dust behind them. The fast pace phenomenon of America is really picking up every year in my opinion. I live in the Northeast so it is multiplied by at least 2 times in my area when compared to the rest of the country. Now the topic I want to discuss with you today is about mobile banking and if it is really worth it for us to have such luxuries. Do you have mobile banking?
Granted in ten years people might laugh at us folks because we had the gall to walk up to a teller to make a deposit in the old days. So with all the convenience we are getting with mobile banking, what price are we paying as a country? Do you have Mobile banking and is it really worth it for us?
Recently my daughter Lily was struttin her stuff around the house in her Twin sister’s boots. I asked her why do you have your sister’s boots on, and she replied because I like them. I smiled and said, ok baby that’s fine. But I had a an experiment that was formulating in my mind at that very moment. After 5 minutes I found her actual boots and offered it to her sister, stating out loud to Sophia that she needs to wear Lily’s boots because she was wearing Sophia’s boots. Across the room Lily seemed ok with the idea for a brief moment. Then as I go to place the boots on Sophia’s feet, Lily sits down and begins to remove the borrowed boots yelling no no no. She wanted her own boots. What just happened within her that made her change how she felt about lending her boots?
What is “The Dichotomy of Money Behaviors”, and how will it help me succeed with personal finance? Every day I see how behavior money issues can be on one spectrum to another from person to person. The society we now live in is constantly in a financial battle. Through one media source you are getting advice to save money, but another source around the corner is telling you to spend now. One of the most popular websites on how to manage money, has a revolving ad so that its readers can get credit cards. (Really!)
Individuals must remove all the white noise from the decisions influencing us that we get from the media. For example everyone who works in sales they wish to make money; by getting as many clients as possible. They will pay for marketing lists, to advertise on social media, to do whatever it takes to get clients. They are trying to make money to save and spend money. Their clients are in the same boat, battling every day to protect cash flow from being taken away. Read below how you can see my feelings around the dichotomy of money behaviors.
Did you know that in airports all across the world travelers leave behind loose change because they are in a hurry to not miss their flights? I understand that some of these travelers need to go in a rush to the airport gate, but this is why planning beforehand is important for your financial future and for many areas of life. The amount of loose change left every year is staggering, and it gives evidence to the wastefulness of certain people. Do you value your loose change? I hope you do because every coin you keep and save will provide you with dollars in terms of compound interest. How hard is it for a traveler to inspect their pockets before reaching the TSA station, and easily transfer any coins from pockets to their on board bags. If they don’t have a bag, then just take 5 seconds to place the coins back in your pocket. Do you really think that in 5 seconds you will miss your flight?
I will provide you all the evidence for the biggest offenders in the Airport loose change travesty. Obviously the people who are traveling are the offenders, but you can clearly see that the first two airports are the party destination locations. I wonder who travels to these airports the most? I will assume it is young people and people working in the entertainment industry, who travel the most to these destinations. One segment of the travelers is too young and careless to care about loose change, and the other segment of the travelers is making so much money that the change might be a way for them to give back to society. (Insert Sarcasm)