Hey friends it is that time again to share some good brand acknowledgement info for all of you. I do this so you can be a better consumer and shopper of the good brands and not the crummy ol’ nasty ones. Chime in any time you want and let us know if you like or dislike these brands and give reasons why. Some of these you have probably supported before and you probably have some cool memories with them as well. For example you’re first Mattel Race car or the first time you tasted a Chips Ahoy Cookie. (Good Memories I must admit)
Brands that I Love IV:
• Tissot Watches
• Lee Jeans (Not for everybody but durable)
• Nabisco
• Mazda (Fun to Drive)
• Mattel
• Archer Farms (Food)
• Vanguard
• Mr. Coffee (Budget based Small Appliances)
Folks this is my personal list of brands that I love. I support all of these companies, and will continue to talk positively about them for many years to come. For example my very first car was a Mazda and I have done a complete 360 and I once again own a Mazda car. This car better not let me down because I like the brand and I do not want things to change in the near future. So far it has been a pleasure to drive the car. Vanguard has been the best and easily the cheapest option to invest retirement funds into. They are always available on the phone if you have questions, they also provide a plethora of options for all your investing needs. If a fund has a .10 expense fee annually then that just means more returns in your pocket and less to pad the massive pockets of the CEO’s. If you were to leave a job and you had a 401K, if I were you I would immediately roll it over into a Vanguard IRA. It’s a no brainer in my book.
Archer Farms is a great all natural subsidiary brand from Target Inc. They have many regular staple items to fill your pantry from top to bottom. Some of the products are unique flavors that you would have never even thought of yourself to make. Try out the Archer Farms Blue chips with flax seeds at your next Party, excellent taste. Give them a shot the next time you’re in target and you will not be disappointed. Mr. Coffee is a great brand because they provide budget priced coffee makers. These things can put money in your pocket; the average cup of coffee brewed in one of these will cost you maybe .20 cents. Now if you go to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks every day then you will be paying 5X-7X that rate. It may take you a few times brewing it yourself to get the hang of how you like the flavor, plus you can add creamers to the mix to spice things up. Now that you have the premise of why I promote these brands, below you will see them again with the stock symbol if they are a public company. Invest at your own risk, ha ha.
Investing Details for the Brands:
Tissot Watches – Swatch Group Inc. (Swiss Stock -SIX)
Lee Jeans – VF Corp Company (Stock – VFC)
Nabisco – Mondelez Int. formerly Kraft foods (Stock –MDLZ)
Mazda – Mazda Corp. (ADR-MZDAF)
Mattel –Mattel Inc. (Stock-MAT)
Archer Farms – Target Brand Subsidiary
Vanguard – Mutual Fund Powerhouse
Mr. Coffee- Jarden Consumer Solutions (Stock – JAH)
Comment if you are a fan of the brands that I love? Comment if you hate any of these brands?
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Rich Uncle EL
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