This is the piece I wrote on debt and I wanted to share a different aspect in describing debt to all of you today. Debt is really bad as all of you already know, and possibly you’ve read some debt articles in countless past publications. But what people don’t share on the vast web portals and pages, is that debt doesn’t define you in any way. The personal finance community has a fair share of indebted folks, and they are all truly supportive in helping anyone who really wants to be free of debt, find ways to eliminate the debt monster. What is Debt? Well it is an obligation to pay for something in the future you purchased in the past.
One thing that I continuously hear is can people actually live life debt free. I believe you can, and I am 1 step closer to it every day. The freeing feeling you will realize is the prize, and the gift you give yourself by tackling the immense debt freedom journey until you reach a new financial platform. Many people take the journey for granted but it is that journey that will lay the foundation to help you avoid getting back into debt in the future. I will now do my best to define debt in another financial poem below. Have fun with it and let me know your thoughts.