I know you probably read at least one thousand fantastic articles about the abundantly used topic above. It was most likely based on helping anyone struggling with money avoid living paycheck to paycheck. Can people read this fantastic article and say, that’s it next month I will not live paycheck to paycheck? While many of the tips and strategies the person took away from the publication can be implemented. Is it safe to say that many people cannot make the behaviors stick? Which results in the past paycheck to paycheck life being repeated again in the future? Granted ideas are a dime a dozen and it is up to the person who wants to improve to make the ideas stick.
The purpose of this post is to get you to a think of the why reasoning behind the lifestyle you dislike, and move you to another lifestyle. If you can’t understand the why, then you will not take action. Without action nothing changes.
What’s going on today my friends? The topic today is patience, I feel if you practice patience you can successfully train the mind to do extraordinary things. For example you can become a better person by not letting impulses drive your actions. The number one detriment to people becoming wealthy today is a lack of patience. The Delayed gratification phrase is steadily being played out like a 90s hit song all over the personal finance world, but it is the sad truth many people are faced with because we all want things now.
In this society patience is running thin, and I see the harmful effects of this every day. From the careless drivers who cannot help themselves to look up away from their cell phones, to the guys running up enormous bar tabs to impress girls at a bar. It all boils down to having patience in life. I will share with all of you today how to practice patience and I hope you can see the benefits to why you would want to practice being more patient in life. How to practice patience examples listed below:
Do you have a list of mistakes you just keep repeating? Did you know if you write them down in a journal to jolt your memory that you probably might not make thosemistakes again? Well I’m going to share with you the 10 personal finance mistakes I’ve made in life and I am vowing that I never make them again. Learn from your personal finance mistakes to become Wealthy.
Hey guys I recently saw on TV a show about a family of 14 living in an RV. Whoa did you just read correctly? Yes they travel from city to city, enjoying the outdoors, living life far from the norm. It is a Dad, Mom and 12 kids all ranging from ages 20 – 1 year old. From what I saw on the small TV segment they seemed happy to be road tripping for an indefinite time. This is an amazing contradiction to question the bigger is better house lifestyle. Do we really need a 4 thousand square foot house in Arizona to live a happy comfortable life?
Personally I would prefer having a decent sized home with a bigger than average back yard. Why because I am happiest when I am outside moving around. After watching this special I am considering living a year in an RV road tripping after retirement. Mind you I do not have the stats if this will reduce your annual expenses or not. My fellow blogger at canIretireyet.com said in a post once that it does reduce expenses from his experience, so please take his word for it because he already achieved financial freedom.
After all these details about living in RV tight spaces, enjoying the outdoors, and reducing expenses. Would this sway you to maybe give the RV lifestyle a shot? If you fit the personality I say go for it, as adventures can only be had once you begin one. Personally I would do it just to avoid the crazy property taxes NJ has and pocket the savings to help give me an extra buffer against inflation in my nest egg. When I retire in that first year, I can probably save about 15 grand because taxes in my state are now in the 7-12K range for an average house and they are headed up in the future. The only downside is I would have to sell the house, and then buy another one when my adventurous RV life comes to an end.
Pick up the Phone I have a message for You – Control Spending to Build Wealth
We all like to judge the football players who make a ton of money but then go bankrupt within 5 years after playing football. How about the lottery winners who go insane and crazy, buying all sorts of stuff to please their deprived hearts. But what is the root problem behind their personal finance choices? Why are they and the average person so bad managing money? Well I have a theory aka as I witnessed a few while experiencing some and now I can talk about why people spend out of control.
I have gotten a few windfalls in my lifetime, which includes bonus dollars from past employers and a small work related settlement. Now the amount I received is nowhere near the millions of dollars I hear athletes make, but for argument sake it’s all relative. My spending level broken down by a percentage might be equal to theirs, give or take a few zeros at the end of the big fat check.
Why people spend out of control? See below for the 6 reasons I found plague most people with spending excessively. (Be open to reading the facts affecting most people because it can hopefully help folks with money, many people will shy away and only publish happy go lucky posts. I feel differently on this matter and I know this is real truthful writing that can change behaviors.)
A new series is born today, with the premise that now I will let you in to see what were the last things that I spent a hundred dollars on. Imagine if you had only a hundred dollars to your name, what would you spend it on? The last hundred is a way to lighten up the financial blogosphere with something unique. Yeah I could give you a bunch of boring spreadsheets showing my monthly net worth, but that’s been done a thousand times over. Also part of me is still hesitant to fully reveal my financial numbers in all its lowly glory. What will this accomplish, maybe nothing. But it sure is exciting to see what people spend money on, don’t you think.
The summer is about two months away and I am getting prepared for it with some new apparel. See below for the last hundred dollars.
Many people unknowingly have allowed greed to creep up in their lives. I have seen it and it is unfortunate that the people cannot see it in their own situations. I am not trying to make others feel bad about how they live life, but money has a way to change others not for the good. I understand that people never realize how their actions can easily lead to greed, but they can’t see it from an inner perspective. They feel they are living life the right way and if you argue with them, they will defend their position. I want you to think; How Greed can take over?
This is my first MoneyWatch101 kids and money interview session. The first kid to be tortured with these great money questions is actually my 13 year old daughter. I am looking forward to doing these more often and also hopefully parents can interview their kids, see questions here for the a future featured post about your kids. (Email me the answers)
I want all kids to get a solid foundation with finances before they head out to college and get in over their heads with financial matters that could have been avoided. It will be all on my shoulders to help my kids find the best path for financial prosperity. I hope you can do the same as well to help your kids succeed.